At the lesson we are going to talk about : At the lesson we are going to talk about : a) our little brothers – animals; b) zoos and wild animal parks; c) how to treat the animals.
What should we do to help animals? What should we do to save the wild nature?
4 Find the known words Вымирающие Крыло Спасать Клетка Дикий Вступать Природа Вид Ловить Волк Курица saveulwing flnatureta wokohcagew joinenatci canebiсahl endangered
Check yourself: saveulwing flnatureta wokohcagew joinenatci canebicahl endangered
Match word-combination with their equivalents Match word-combination with their equivalents Вступать в зоологическое общество; Бороться против жестокости; Спасать животных под угрозой вымирания; Расправить крылья; Быть забавным ; Ежедневный улов; Раскачиваться; Гоняться; Болтать Время кормления животных; Заботиться о животных. to fight against cruelty to fight against cruelty to take care of animals to take care of animals feeding time feeding time daily catch daily catch to stretch the wings to stretch the wings to join the zoological society to join the zoological society to be full of fun to be full of fun to save endangered animals to save endangered animals to swing to swing to chatter to chatter to chase to chase
Finish the phrases: to save… to save… to fight against… to fight against… to join… to join… the natural… the natural… The Zoological… The Zoological… all over … all over … Lifewatch … Lifewatch … every of living… every of living… feeding… feeding… daily … daily … to stretch… to stretch… to be full of… to be full of… to be kind to… to be kind to… (fun, the world, a society, world, cruelty, a society, endangered animals, world, world, wings, thing, catch, animals,time, project)
LONDON ZOO LONDON ZOO London Zoo was opened in 1827 by the Zoological Society of London. Today there are more than animals in the zoo. Some are very rare. Many of the animals were born in London Zoo or in other zoos from all over the world. London Zoo was opened in 1827 by the Zoological Society of London. Today there are more than animals in the zoo. Some are very rare. Many of the animals were born in London Zoo or in other zoos from all over the world. The elephants have the biggest appetite in the zoo. An elephant’s daily diet consists of grass, cabbages, carrots, potatoes, salt, vitamins and minerals. The elephants have the biggest appetite in the zoo. An elephant’s daily diet consists of grass, cabbages, carrots, potatoes, salt, vitamins and minerals. Every day you can watch different animals, for example: snakes, lions, flamingoes. Around London Zoo there are many exhibits. In summer you can have a ride on a pony or camel. Every day you can watch different animals, for example: snakes, lions, flamingoes. Around London Zoo there are many exhibits. In summer you can have a ride on a pony or camel.
London Zoo London Zoo London Zoo was opened in 1827 by 1. Today there are more than in 3. Some are very 4. Many of them were born in 5. An elephant’s daily 6 consists of grass, 7, 8 and minerals. In summer you can 9 on a pony. Words: a)London Zoo, b)carrots, c)cabbages, d)diet, e)animals, f)rare, g)the Zoological Society of London, h)have a ride, i)the zoo.
Check yourself Check yourself London Zoo was opened in 1827 by the Zoological Society of London. Today there are more than 8000 animals in London Zoo. Some are very rare. Many of them were born in the zoo. An elephant’s daily diet consists of grass, carrots, cabbages and minerals. In summer you can have a ride on a pony.
Let’s sing “ MISTLETOE ” Мistletoe mistletoe Mistle mistle mistletoe Adds to the Christmas cheer First you kiss somebody And wish them a Happy New Year First you kiss your hand Kisses are for free, Turn round to a friend And put the kiss on their knee Mistletoe mistletoe… Mistletoe mistletoe… First you kiss your hand You’ve got a kiss to spare, Turn round to a friend And put the kiss on their hair.
The audio–letter from Whipsnade wild animal park Your visit to Wipsnade wild animal park will be very enjoyable. Your visit to Wipsnade wild animal park will be very enjoyable. At Wipsnade you will learn and understand more about the lives animals and how to save endangered animals. Many scientists are working here. They are studying the effects ( последствия ) that human activities ( деятельность человека ) have on the natural world. At Wipsnade you will learn and understand more about the lives animals and how to save endangered animals. Many scientists are working here. They are studying the effects ( последствия ) that human activities ( деятельность человека ) have on the natural world. At the children` s farm you can get closer to domestic animals. At the children` s farm you can get closer to domestic animals. In the wolf wood you` ll have a good view of the wolves. In the wolf wood you` ll have a good view of the wolves. At a set time ( в определённо время ) each day, the keepers of the park for you to learn more about them and ask questions about them. At a set time ( в определённо время ) each day, the keepers of the park for you to learn more about them and ask questions about them. But don` t bring along your own dog or other pets into the park. But don` t bring along your own dog or other pets into the park. Whipsnade animal park wild
TEST :LET`S DISCUSS ANIMALS` PROBLEMS: What is the difference between a zoo and a wild animal `s park? a) more space; b) many scientists work there; c) like a natural world. Why do people keep animals in zoos and parks? a) to study human effect on hem; b) to show for money; c) to take care of them. Where do animals have more space for living? a) in the zoo; b) in the animal park; c) in wild nature. Do different animals meet each other in zoos and in parks? a) yes, often; b) never; c) they meet in the parks, but not in the zoos. Do you think you can learn more about animals at zoos or at wild animal parks? a) at wild animals park; b) at the zoo; c) nowhere. Can you take your own pet with you to the park? a) yes, of course; b) no; c) if it is small. What do you think is better for animals: a) to live in zoos? a) to live in zoos? b) to live in wild animal`s park? b) to live in wild animal`s park? c ) to live in the wild nature? c ) to live in the wild nature?
How should you treat animals? feed the animals fight against cruelty take the pet to the vet Ishould forget to take it for a walk Weshouldn’t be kind to the animals wash and brush them forget to clean the cage save endangered animals
Our conclusions: AT THE LESSON … AT THE LESSON … We have learnt We have learnt We have read about… We have read about… We have known We have known We have spoken We have spoken
HOME – TASK (EX.14 P. 107) MY DREAM ( Gillian Brown) HOME – TASK (EX.14 P. 107) MY DREAM ( Gillian Brown) I love all kinds of animals I love all kinds of animals Dogs and cats and rabbits. Dogs and cats and rabbits. I love all kinds of animals, I love all kinds of animals, Despite their little habits. Despite their little habits. If I had tons of money, If I had tons of money, Do you know what I would do? Do you know what I would do? I would buy lots of animals I would buy lots of animals And have my own zoo. And have my own zoo. But they wouldn `t be in cages, But they wouldn `t be in cages, They would be free to run around. They would be free to run around. And there`s one thing they would feel And there`s one thing they would feel And that is safe and sound. And that is safe and sound. safe and sound – живы и здоровы safe and sound – живы и здоровы
Take out a sticker and stick it according to your feelings at our today`s lesson. If everything was clear for you, stick it on the top if you need some more train, stick it in the middle, if you have understood just a little, stick it at the start. Children ! Let `s save the wild nature! Be careful to animals! Top Middle Start