Are your CNC machines making money, or just chips ?
Making money, or just chips ? Can you spot the difference ? An adult elephant costs Rs.3000 per day for its food and medical expenses. Therefore, you would make it work to its fullest power. Your CNC lathe costs the same.
How CAPSturn can help you If you are already an expert CNC programmer.
Gouge prevention Tool gouge prevention automatically considers the front and back edge angles, and avoids area that it cannot enter. Programming is speeded up, and part rejection is avoided even if an unsuitable tool is used.
Do new tricks with old tools CAPSturn allows you to use your existing tools to their fullest extent : like turning with rotated tools, or using the strongest inserts and holders for roughing to maximize metal removal rates and reduce cycle times.
Buying machines - no controller constraint CAPSturn generates the program for any controller on your shop floor, in seconds. You can buy the best machines available in the market considering quality, price and delivery time. Don't buy a machine for its controller, just because you are familiar with its program format.
Program interchangeability CAPSturn can generate the NC program for any machine on your shop floor in seconds, irrespective of the controller. No last-minute worries caused by last minute changes in the machine – when you make a program for a machine, but it is not available because a previous job is still running or the machine has broken down.
Reduce trial part rejection Even a experienced programmer is human, and human errors are unavoidable. CAPSturn has numerous features that eliminate rejection of parts during trial cutting - automatic safe tool approach / departure, auto tool gouge prevention, tool selection guidance, auto FS selection, realistic tool path simulation.
Better accuracy on contours Getting accurate contours is usually a matter of trial and error, particularly for small corner radii and chamfers. If the program has tool nose radius compensation commands (G41/42), the operator must remember to enter the correct nose radius and tool orientation on the machine. He often forgets this. You waste a lot of time trying to get accurate contours. CAPSturn eliminates the trial and error, because programs always have tool path compensated for the nose radius, in both roughing and finishing operations.
Improved threading Threading is a tricky operation, and CAPSturn solves these issues for you: - Determining the number of cuts (too few cuts can lead to chatter or insert breakage). - Determining the spindle direction – it depends on the hand of the thread, tool mounting (face up or down), and tool motion towards or away from the chuck. - Entering the first thread depth in the threading canned cycle.
Cycle time calculation You need to calculate cycle time acucrately for making job quotes and for scheduling. It is impossible to do an accurate calculation of cycle time manually, and unless you can calculate, you can't reduce. CAPSturn calculates the cycle time within 1 % error, and displays a detailed analysis that you can use to study and reduce the time.
Don't get bogged down in programming Programming is just ONE of the tasks in machining a part.
Use your time for higher level work Programming is a low-tech task involving a lot of repetitive and error-prone geometric calculations. There is nothing high tech about it, and it consumes time that the programmer should be spending on the high-tech tasks. The high tech part that involves a lot of thinking is the tool and cutting parameters selection, work holding, and cycle time analysis and reduction. CAPSturn enables you to concentrate on the high-tech tasks of running the machine.
Summary – what CAPSturn can do for you Gouge prevention Do new tricks with old tools Buying machines – no controller constraint Program interchangeability Reduce trial part rejection Better accuracy on contours Improved threading Cycle time calculation Don't get bogged down in programming Use your time for higher level work Concentrate on high-tech tasks.
Start making money, not just chips Without CAPSturnWith CAPSturn