Les Sons et Les Lettres How are accents used in French? What sounds are common in French? AUJOURD’HUI C’EST...
In English... … some words can be tricky to pronounce! How would you write the phonetic spelling for the word D-A-T-A? read ache and mustache heart and beard and heard
What sound does each pair of letters make? ENOUGH + WOMEN + NATION
In French… … most sounds are quite consistent! There are always exceptions, but knowing some rules can help!
EAU - AU - O chapeau beaucoup chaud mot RULE: EAU, AU, O all sound like...
E - EU - OEU je neuf boeuf RULE: E, EU, OEU all sounds like...
OI moi toi oiseau RULE: OI sounds like...
CH cheval chaud chapeau RULE: CH in French sounds like…
More sounds with C ciel cinq RULE: Before an i or e it sounds like… cahier curieux RULE: Before an a, o, u it sounds like… français leçon RULE: C with a cédille accent sounds like...
Circumflex L’ACCENT CIRCONFLEXE can appear over any vowel. They don’t change the way a word sounds. This accent often indicates that an s was dropped from the latin version of the word. forêt hôpital pâte
Acute Accent étudier dansé état RULE: L’accent aigu sounds like… * ez and er make the same sound! -Parlez-vous français? -Oui, je peux parler français.
Grave Accent nièce poème RULE: L’accent grave with e sounds like… *ai makes the same sound! la maison la - là ou - où RULE: L’accent grave with other vowels does not change the pronunciation of a word but can change the meaning!
Silent Letters! Pourquoi?! Comment Parfait Beaucoup Tout