1 PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS Mrs Almitra H Patel, Member Supreme Court Committee for SWM
2 PPPs can be of 5 kinds: City + its citizens City + a private entrepreneur City + an aid agency, usually foreign City + its contractors City + its surrounding farmers
3 City + Citizens is best But cities MUST SHARE SAVINGS with those who cooperate in SWM cost reduction Individual home composting: Exnora Chennai Lane or moholla composting: best when partly funded by city, as in Ludhiana, Punjab Amritsar model of park maintenance 50:50 Vizag parks: matching grants for development, corner-shop income for park maintenance.
4 City + entrepreneur: Failures To ensure success, Greed must be curbed and cities must truly cooperate. Failures: Amravati: Councillors wanted 50% profits as “royalty” for supply of garbage at site. Lucknow was a sneering spectator as inerts killed the Rs 84 crore biometh plant. Mumbai: NO compost plant since 10 years as bureaucrats and councillors wait for a Waste-To- energy scam to materialise.
5 City + entrepreneur: Failures NDMC uses its own Okhla compost in parks, traffic islands, dividers, roadside trees. Is operating at no- profit-no-loss. Across the road, MCD’s Okhla plant is loss-making, shut & restarted by Court 2-3 times. Reason: Does not use ANY of its own compost. MOST cities wont use their own compost, as big horti scams in buying red-earth + farmyard manure. SPCBs MUST INSIST ON OWN - USE FIRST !
6 City + Entrepreneur Opportunities: Private Party demonstrations Delhi’s Nehru Place Dalao Expt: Excel sprayed their bioculture on a dalao where a truckload of waste was daily collected and removed. After a month’s trial with NO lifting, only 7 truckloads stabilised waste were left to be removed. Transport saving of 22/31 trips = 77% saving which city can use for waste processing instead. WHY not adopted?? Waste-transport mafia??
7 City + Entrepreneur Demonstratons: Earthcrop composts locality waste in Mumbai’s ALMs, and 20 tons/day market waste at Chembur Hosp. Had to give up because city did not purchase compost as promised. Instead, purchase of local cattle manure gives an added incentive for city stables NOT to move to the city’s outskirts!
8 City + entrepreneur: Successes Akola is segregating debris, but drain silt in garbage is still a problem. Pune has just signed a no-payment-either-side agreement for garbage-mining thru biotreatment and wind-rowing of old waste heaps to reclaim precious SWM space, as done in Autonagar (Hyderabad) by This was also done well at Gorai but only 60% of the cleared hectare is usable as stabilised waste heaps lie unused by Mumbai’s Horticulture Dept.
9 City + Foreign Aid Agencies: BEWARE!! Huge delays, while city does nothing. SPCBs to INSIST ON STABILISING till then. Low-cost low-tech options scrapped in favour of expensive imported solutions, usually Waste To Energy despite all failures. E.g. Kolkata. Loans given for Capital Cost, e.g. compactors or dumper-placers, but NO corpus allowed for funding drivers, fuel, or maintenance = White Elephant for cities at replacement-time!
10 City + its Transport Contractors: If Waste Stabilising (if not its sieving for compost and sale) is made a pre-condition of getting a Transport Contract, and EFFECTIVELY SUPERVISED (by City + SPCBs), transporters will keep inerts out to save cost of useless spraying of bioculture on bricks and silt. Heap temperature and volume reduction, absence of pathogens and weeds, germination success, pH and C:N ratio are ways to measure the effectiveness of successful stabilisation. Try payment by Volume, not Weight, to get 100% garbage-lifting + discouraging mixing of inerts.
11 City + surrounding Farmers: Probable success awaiting trial SMALL towns (pop 20,000-50,000) can lease farmers’ lands for rotational composting of organic waste which is largely inerts-free and plastic-free (thru school collections). Being tried with some success at Suryapet. SPCBs should permit and encourage such low-cost trials without initial paved yard while monitoring IMPROVEMENT in waste-management conditions compared to present open dumps.
12 Lowest-bid Tender Acceptance is the enemy of success: SPCBs should encourage cities and towns to accept ALL bids on a Probational Acceptance basis, to find genuine parties. SOME stabilising, even of small lots by many parties, is better than the present situation. SPCBs should drive SMALL INCREMENTAL IMPROVEMENTS, called “KAIZEN”. SPCBs should ask their States to ensure that no Royalty is asked for waste processing for the next 5 years, and compost buy-back a must.