Division of Workforce and Economic Development Strengthening Department of Labor and Adult Basic Education Grant Programs with Career Coach and Analyst Nancy Holman, Garner Presser & Melissa Schroeder 2015 EMSI National Conference
CSN Division of Workforce Facts Largest institution of higher education in the state of Nevada DWED is the non-credit side of the college Served 17,000 students last year Healthcare Programs Community & Personal Enrichment Workplace Safety TAACCCT Grant funded classes Adult Education Business Services & Nevada Workforce Development Center
Division of Workforce and Economic Development CSN, Career Coach & Student Success
Rational For Use of Career Coach in EL&L Program -Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act -Personal Employment Goals -Degree & Certification Information -Increased Computer Skills
Career Coach Implementation by Student Advisors - Student Advisors visit ESL & HSE classes twice a term -1 st Visit: General Advising Session -2 nd Visit: Career Coach Tutorial
Use of Career Coach by ESL & HSE Instructors in the Classroom -Increased Computer Skills -Resume Building -Small Group and Classroom Presentations of Job Information -Employment “Scavenger Hunts”
Improve the education & training of individuals toward diversifying and strengthening Nevada’s workforce. Accelerated curriculum in specific career-technical programs Implement learning opportunities Develop necessary technical skills Include student support services
Technology based tools Learning to navigate the site
Identifying Career Opportunities
Providing students with vital skills needed to succeed in today’s workplace as well as occupational training programs that prepare for successful entry into the workforce. IBEST Model Employability Skills
CSN & Analyst How EMSI’s Analyst tool assists with program development
What is it and how can I use it? Labor Market data compiled from 90+ data sources* Job posting analytics Track historical trends Study job hires and postings Industries Occupations Programs Companies & more! * Information from EMSI’s website
Sample Occupation Report for Clark County
Sample Industry Report for Clark County (Manufacturing)
Created for employers as a workforce funding and training solution Partnered with the Department of Employment Training & Rehabilitation Customized training, job posting assistance, hiring events, WorkKeys Assessments &… The ability for us to use LMI from Analyst to assist with expansion and development planning
Q & A Time
Presenter Contact Information Garner Presser, Student Advisor Adult Education Program Nancy Holman, TAACCCT Grant Program Project Lead Melissa Schroeder, Business Services Coordinator