Computer project – computer virus 1D Christy Chan (9) Patricia Cheung (14)
Content Introduction What is a computer virus? How can virus affect us? How to clean virus? How to use anti – virus? How to prevent virus attack? Summary
Introduction The aim of our project is how to use the anti – virus for protection against computer virus. Also, by understanding and learning about computer virus, we can prevent and control the problems of computer virus.
What is a computer virus? Computer virus is a piece of malicious program which is able to affect the normal operation of a computer system. Why we call these malicious codes computer virus? Because computer virus need a host for residence and is capable of self-replication from one host to another. Computer virus is created by human while biological virus is not.
How can virus affect us? Typical payloads of computer virus include annoyances, removing files from your hard disk and formatting your hard disk.They may arrive in shared files in the server, in s from your colleagues, or in files downloaded from the Internet and BBS. Worst still, some vendors have delivered machines or CD-ROMS with viruses pre-installed.
How to clean virus? The following are some pieces of advice about removing computer virus: All activities on the infected machine should be stopped. You may try to remove the virus using anti-virus software. anti-virus software
How to use anti – virus? Installing anti – virus software program onto your computer system Updating anti – virus definition files Performing a full system scan with anti – virus Performing an on – line virus scan
How to prevent virus attack? Do install an anti-virus software to protect your machine and make sure that an up-to-date virus signature file has been applied.anti-virus softwarevirus signature file Don't use illegal software under all circumstances. Do check floppy disks and files downloaded from Internet with anti-virus software before use.anti-virus software
Summary New viruses are being developed every day. New techniques may render existing preventive measures insufficient. The only truth in virus and anti-virus field is that there is no absolute security. However, we can minimize the damage by identifying virus infections before they carry out their payload. So we shouldn’t fear virus. If we can do enough preparation and know how to prevent the virus, then they must not invade our computer again.
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