Enjoy English 4 Shopping for Clothes Автор: Грачёва Анастасия Николаевна МОУ СОШ №3 г. Гусева Калининградской обл.
Winter clothes Fur coat Fur cap Mittens
Spring / Autumn Coat Jacket Trousers Raincoat Sweater
Summer clothes T-shirt Shorts Dress Skirt Blouse Jeans
Shoes Trainers Boots Shoes
? What did you buy yesterday? + Yesterday I bought …
Complete the sentences: 1) Father Elephant and Mother Elephant lived in Africa. 2) Father Elephant and Mother elephant had a son. 3) Baby Elephant wanted to play football.
Complete the sentences: 4) They went to shop. Mrs. Lion’s 5) They bought yellow socks. 6) The socks coast 10 pounds.
Complete the sentences: 7) When Baby Elephant saw his new yellow socks, he was glad. 8) Father Elephant wanted to buy for Baby Elephant. a new T-shirt and shorts 9) So they went to shop. Mrs. Tiger’s
I would buy him … 11
Thank you!
Stay Healthy Hands up! Clap! Clap! Clap! Hands down! Shake! Shake! Shake! Hands on hips! Jump! Jump! Jump! Run! And swim! And stand still!
Find the words of clothes a b s k i r t e c o a t l a n m i b l o u s e i d r e s s f o t m l j e a n s t c j a c k e t e a f s h o e s n p b o o t s g s