The Lesson plan is applicable for all prep- secondary levels. 15 Minutes Teaching 25 Minutes learning activities (Student- focused) Applicable for In-campus and off-campus students Compatible with the new trends in education as it applies Social Computing tools and mobile education in teaching and learning.
Active Board SMART Board Blackboard or VLE Elluminate Wikis, Blogs, Discussion Boards. Swarms In-Campus and Remote users
Overall Aim of the Lesson: › Define what a virus is, the ways a virus can be transmitted to a computer, and Identify why anti-virus software needs to be updated regularly Lesson Objectives: › Identify what viruses are, and virus-related concepts › define the required actions for protection › exercise the required skills on using the Anti-Virus software
› Blackboard or any alternative VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) › SMARTBoard or ActiveBoard with voting devices.
Lesson Preparation: › Upload the Course Content files on Blackboard. › Develop/reuse lesson Quizzes. › Prepare Elluminate online session and send notification with orientation steps for the remote students. › Create/initiate Discussion topics/threads on Bb. › Define the required wikis, Blogs, Journal(s), and/or Collaboration sessions. › Define scenario for using the voting devices with Plan B. › Plan for time management. Prepare online home assignments, and assessments. Add Youtube video about Viruses Add flicker photos for some comic photos about viruses to attract the students to the virus concepts. Upload some useful documents about Viruses on Blackboard/VLE as extra references for the students to access from the school PCs of from their home PCs.
Supporting the students by answering question and facilitating technologies Students log to the VLE system (Blackboard) and grouping them into SWARMS
The teacher highlights the expected knowledge, Understanding, and skills from the lesson
Teacher does: › interactive explanation of what is the computer virus, how it defects the data, the different ways of how can viruses transmit to and harm the computers, how to protect your computer, and related Anti-Virus considerations including its periodical updates, using Power point interactive presentation › confirms and summarizes the correct definitions for the introduced virus related topics
Students do: › Answering the pre-prepared multiple choice quiz on the VLE system using the voting devices
The teacher: › Announce for the online available curriculum resources including discussions, wikis, blogs, and the subject journal. › Supporting the students by answering question and facilitating technologies The Students: › participate in a pre-prepared online discussion on the VLE system, about “virus side effects”.
Join Elluminate and collaborate with colleagues and the teacher.
The teacher did setup the Blackboard notification to automatically send instant notification to those users about any course content uploads, new assessments, grading, students’ posts on discussion(s), Journal Entries, Blogs and Wikis entries.
ICT facilitates communication and collaboration between students which raises the student engagement overtime. Engaging students in developing the lesson content through innovative thoughts about the lesson and expectations. ICT made it easier for learning as the students can learn everywhere, even remotely and on the road. ICT tools aligned between the teaching load and the students’ tendency to collaboration and interactivity. Technology made it easier for the teachers to understand the 21 st century learners mindset and consequently find new approaches for higher learning levels. ICT increased learning over teaching.
Building subject wikis to accumulate the students’ participation and work on reviewing and enhancing that content to increase the future students motivation and harness the student minds in developing Sports courses fed by athletes’ thoughts. So, something like ASPIRE’s wikipedia can be announced later and even published over the internet for all the students everywhere.