WHAT IS DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP? 0 Digital Citizenship is safely connecting with groups on the internet. 0 It involves being safe and responsible while using the internet. 0 It is very important to be aware of all the rules to safely using the internet.
Important rules to remember… 0 Say “ NO ” to Cyber - bullying. 0 Do not plagiarise. 0 Do not break any Copyright Laws. 0 Protect your password. 0 Protect your internet privacy. 0 Do not click on any Pop - Ups.
Cyber-bullying 0 Cyber - bullying is a form of bullying that sometimes happens on the internet. 0 Cyber - bullies are mean and make up hurtful stories and lies that upset a lot of people. 0 If you are cyber - bullied, you need to tell an adult, like a parent or teacher.
plagiarism 0 Plagiarism is stealing somebody ’ s writing or conversations from the internet and passing them as your own. 0 Plagiarism is a form of lying, cheating and stealing, and it is wrong. 0 When we use the internet, it is important that we don ’ t plagiarise.
Copyright laws 0 In Australia, and all around the world, there are Copyright Laws that stop people from copying or using other people ’ s work without asking for permission first. 0 It is against the law to break these Copyright Laws and if you do, you would get into a lot of trouble. 0 When we use the internet, we need to be careful not to break any of these laws.
Password safety 0 All students have a log - in username and password that allows us to connect to the internet. 0 This should always be kept private because if somebody else knows it and logs in using your details, they could use the internet to do the wrong thing and this will get you into a lot of trouble, because you will be blamed for what they do. 0 For example : if somebody finds out your password and logs in using your account, and then begins to cyber - bully someone, the person who owns that account will be in trouble with the law, which is you !
Internet privacy 0 Internet privacy is very important in order to keep people safe. 0 There are a lot of internet users, of all ages, and it is much safer if they did not know where you live or where you go to school. 0 Some people use the internet to cyber - bully others, and to stop that kind of thing from happening, it is better to never give out any private information about yourself.
Pop-ups 0 Pop - Ups are windows that appear on your screen when you click on an internet site. 0 You must never click on these pages, because they could contain a computer virus, which can harm your computer, or they might contain inappropriate pictures. 0 If Pop - Ups appear, the sensible thing to do is to close the page. 0 You can also set up your internet browser to not allow these Pop - Ups to appear at all.
conclusion 0 By being aware of all the things discussed in this presentation, I am now ready to use the internet safely and responsibly. 0 I will enjoy my Digital Citizenship !