Liberty or Death: The American Revolution Links to LOC Resources: Boston Massacre state house picture Boston Tea Party picture Burning of Stamp Act Patrick Henry Jamie Sweatman - Rock Hill, SC - Winthrop University Author: Betsy Maestro Liberty or Death: The American Revolution © 2005 Book Summary: The people, places, events and battles of the American Revolution are described and illustrated in this book. Setting: Battlefields and US cities such as New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Charleston. Objective: Students will explain factors leading to the American Revolution.
What was the Boston Massacre like? If you were in the crowd at the Customs House that night… –Who would you be? (a British soldier, a colonist, a sailor, etc.) –What would you see? –How would you feel? Write a simulated journal entry as a person present at the Boston Massacre the night of March 5, The Customs House in Boston
What made the colonists angry? How did they retaliate? Fill in a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the Stamp Act protest and the Boston Tea Party. –Use details from the book and from the drawings on the next slide. Topic:_________
Round-Robin Discussion Gather the class into a circle and go through these questions. Make sure each student is given a chance to answer at least one question. What does radical mean? What is the opposite of radical? Patrick Henry and Sam Adams were considered radicals. Why? How were they different than other Continental Congress delegates? Do you think it was good for them to be radical during the American Revolution? Why? Is it a good thing to always be radical? Why or why not? If you were alive during the American Revolution, do you think you would be radical, conservative or in the middle? Why? Patrick Henry
Standards NCSS II. Time, Continuity, and Change South Carolina Standard 4-3 –The student will demonstrate an understanding of the conflict between the American colonies and England. Indicator 4-3.1: Explain the political and economic factors leading to the American Revolution, including the French and Indian War; British colonial policies such as the Stamp Act, the Tea Act, and the so-called Intolerable Acts; and the American colonists’ early resistance through boycotts, congresses, and petitions
References Boston Massacre state house picture Boston Tea Party picture Burning of Stamp Act Patrick Henry