The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer Father of English poetry One of the greatest English poets in his lifetime
Geoffrey Chaucer Father of the English language Wrote in the vernacular Language of the common man Traditionally literature was published in French or Latin
Masterwork The Canterbury Tales Framework story Inside story framed by outside story
The Canterbury Tales 124 projected tales Only 24 exist Only first half of frame exists
The Frame The Prologue Setting Southwark, England The Tabard Inn April 11, 1387
Reasons to attend a pilgrimage Seek divine assistance Obtain a miraculous cure Give thanks for something already received Penance Show religious devotion Social purposes
The Tabard Inn 29 pilgrims show up for the journey 14th century heroes and rogues Medieval life Medieval values
Destination of Pilgrimage Canterbury Shrine of the Holy Martyr St. Thomas a Becket Implications of religious corruption Rumors surrounding his murder
Journey Across Medieval Society
The Tales Each tale can stand on its own The tales reflect various aspects of Medieval literature Romance and Comedy Rhyme and Prose Crude Humor and Religious Mysteries
The Narrator Chaucer is the author and will serve as the narrator Will join the pilgrims Offers an unbiased opinion Tell facts; provide insight Condition of each pilgrim Profession and degree Apparel Physical description
Chaucer Worldly Educated Realistic Has experienced many things and many people in his lifetime Educated Began Writing in twenties Poetry Translations of French Poetry Realistic Offers insight into human character
Characterization Direct Characterization Indirect Characterization Directly told what a character is like Indirect Characterization Information is provided about the character, appearance and speech, which enables us to determine what the character is like
The Canterbury Tales Considered by historians and scholars to be the best contemporary picture of 14th century England
Admirable Characters The Oxford Cleric Spent $ on books Thin The Knight Chivalrous 15 Mortal battles Fought wherever he was needed Modest Stained Tunic Rendering Thanks The Oxford Cleric Spent $ on books Thin Threadbare clothing Somber Would gladly teach and gladly learn Interest in knowledge, not $ Not interested in working for the church Not interested in finding a quick way to make money
Acceptable/Flawed Characters Squire A knight in training Fights well Jousts rides Interested in the ladies Dresses to impress Fights to impress Acts to impress Has the potential to be like his father Yeoman Proper forester Proper equipment Wears green Medal of St. Christopher Patron saint of foresters Patron saint of travelers
Acceptable/Flawed Characters Merchant Claims to be an expert Offers opinion Knows the sea Knows currency Was in debt Hypocrite Claims to be what he is not Tradesmen Started union for workers Protected member Hurt non-members Created a monopoly Worked Hard Because of wives Equipment is high quality and well taken care of
Acceptable/Flawed Characters The Cook Knew all skills of a professional cook Roast, seethe, broil, fry Bake a tasty pie Had an “ulcer” on his knee Blancmange, creamy chicken dish, was one of his specialties Poor hygiene Possibly contaminates food
Corrupt Prioress Monk Overweight Ate foods of wealth Spoke terrible French Appear smarter than those around her Sang with an intoning through her nose Appear sensual Sympathies lied with animals Fed them foods of wealth Jewelry Love conquers all Physical appearance Red lipstick Exposed freakishly large forehead Monk Overweight Hunted Not considered holy Decorated sleeves with fur Would ride or hunt in free time Ignored rules of St. Benet and St. Maur Founded and followed monastic rules Did not study Was not tormented Refused to put life on a shelf
Corrupt Friar Sergeant at the Law Intimate with women Overweight Arranged marriages Offered gifts lisped Overweight Offered absolution for a gift Blackmailed people Knew innkeepers and barmaids Avoided sick and needy Kept $ collected for the church Sergeant at the Law Knew every criminal and every crime Implies he is a criminal Manipulated or took advantage of people Used position and power to make money Used intelligence to take advantage of less intelligent Dress is gaudy and tacky
Corrupt Franklin Skipper House open to all Glutton Really open to only rich Glutton In a society that is impoverished Lived for his pleasure alone Implies he does not care about others or if his pleasures interfere with the pleasures of others Hired help fears him Severe treatment if he is not happy with their work Skipper Sent prisoners home More of a pirate All walked the plank No mercy No conscience Stole wine Dagger on a lanyard around his neck Symbolizes violence Dagger Noose
Time periods may differ: Human nature changes little, if at all!!!