Ch. 7 1. American Strengths and Weakness (exam) 1a. Strengths:(exam) * Patriotism, believed in what they were fighting for. * Aid from the French secretly.


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Presentation transcript:

Ch American Strengths and Weakness (exam) 1a. Strengths:(exam) * Patriotism, believed in what they were fighting for. * Aid from the French secretly. * Experienced leader in Washington who inspired. * 1b. Weaknesses:(exam) * Army small and short on soldiers. * Little training and experience fighting. * Shortages of supplies; gunpowder, ammunition, food, and uniforms.

Ch. 7 #2. British Strengths and Weakness. 2a. Strengths:(exam) * 50, ,000 Hessians + Loyalist, N.A., and A.A.. * Well trained and experienced. * Well supplied; guns, ammunition, food, and uniforms. 2b. Weaknesses:(exam) * Sending troops, news, and supplies slow and costly. * British people did not care deeply about defeating the rebels. * Poor military leadership.

Ch. 7 #3. Britain Almost Wins the War 3a. A.A. in the War:(exam) - Promised freedom if they fought for the American’s. - Hoped it would lead to an end of slavery. Many colonies would end slavery by the end of the war. 3b. Defeat in N.Y. - Washington split troops into 2 groups. - Soldiers were inexperienced and overwhelmed. - Washington was able to retreat.

Ch. 7 #4. Pep Talk and Surprise Victories 4a. The Crisis: - “These are the days that try men’s souls, the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will shrink from service.” - Don’t be a quitter, cause worth fighting for.

Ch. 7 # 4 A Pep Talk and Surprise Victories 4b. Battle of Trenton: - Gave the American’s badly needed supplies. - Showed the American’s could defeat the British.

Ch. 7 #5. The Tide Begins to Turn 5a. Washington’s New Strategy:(exam) - Will no longer challenge the British head to head. - Fight a defensive war and use hit and run tactics. - Engage the enemy when you can fight from the best position. - Tire the British soldiers and people until the get sick of fighting.

Ch. 7 #5. The Tide Begins to Turn 5b. Problems with Burgoyne’s Plan: - He was unfamiliar with the territory. - Moved Slowly and angered the people living in the area. - General Howe stays in Philadelphia for the winter of c. A Turning Point:(exam) - France now an ally of the Americans. - Other European nations support the Americans like Spain.

Ch. 7 #6. The War Moves South 6a. Saving the South: - Guerrilla troops use hit and run tactics to tire the British. - People like Francis Marian (Swamp Fox), Daniel Morgan, and Nathanial Green play a key role.

Ch. 7 #7. The War Ends 7a. Treaty of Paris: 1. America is recognized as an Independent Nation. 2. Land: from the Miss. R. to the east coast and from Canada to Florida (borders). 2. Spain gains Florida (borders). 3. Loyalist should be paid and treated Fairly, but were not.

Ch. 7 #7. The War Ends 7b. Impact of the American Revolution: - Encouraged other countries to fight for their independence. - Spread the ideals of Democracy and Liberty.

Ch. 7 #8 Vocabulary 8a. Key Concepts:(exam) - Write your own definition, rating, picture, and book def.. - American Revolution. - Continental Army. - Strategy. - Ally. 8b. Academic Vocab.:(exam) - Write a simple definition for the words. - democracy. - rebellion. - issue. - crucial.