Enlightenment ideas helped spur the American colonies to create a new nation. Enlightenment Period of time in Europe where philosophers looked to logic for answers.
2 English political thinkers of the 1600’s debated which government was best! Thomas Hobbes monarchy John Locke Representative government
1651 Wrote Leviathan Convinced that all humans were naturally selfish and wicked. Without governments to keep order “life would be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”
Argued that monarchs who were strong as “Leviathans” were important. Why? THEY KEPT ORDER!! Social contract People give up their individual rights freely as long as a king/queen kept peace. Do you agree with this logic?
Believed people have a natural ability to govern themselves. At least when it comes to their natural rights…
Since humans can naturally govern themselves, they should be able to do so. Absolute monarchies = BAD Democracy = GOOD Natural Rights All people are born free and equal, with 3 natural rights. The pursuit of: Life Liberty Property
Simply to protect the rights of its citizens. What happens if a government fails ? Citizens have a right to overthrow it! Wrote book called Two Treatises on Government Preached that the power of a government needs to come from the consent of the people How can people give consent to their government?
Use Reason Eliminates intolerance and prejudice Be one with your Nature or society Good and reasonable Bring Happiness Having a good government would make your citizens happy Show Progress Always move forward to better your country Protect Liberty With liberties comes freedom!
Believed that they had the same “natural rights” as a British subject Based off of John Locke’s ideas Believed that King George broke their social contract, the colonists are justified in rebelling against the king. Based off of Locke’s ideas
Magna Carta (1215) Obligated the King of England to follow laws set by Parliament It was a law to make sure all citizens were represented in Parliament… were we? English Bill of Rights (1689) Kept King of England from passing new taxes or changing laws without Parliament approval We never had representation so we had no voice to the king!! NO VOICE = NO SOCIAL CONTRACT!!
After American Revolution, America chooses republic form of government Citizens elect representatives who are responsible to work for the people in government. Now to just pick a capital and a Constitution….
Who are the two philosophers who debated styles of government during the Enlightenment? What is a social contract? What are natural rights? Why do you believe America picks a republic form of government?