Absolute Monarchs
Absolute Monarchs - Kings or Queens who believed that all power within their state’s boundaries rested in their hands. Absolute Monarchs - Kings or Queens who believed that all power within their state’s boundaries rested in their hands. Divine Right - The idea that God created the monarchy and that they were his representative on earth. Divine Right - The idea that God created the monarchy and that they were his representative on earth.
Crises lad to Absolutism 17 th century is a time of great upheaval in Europe. 17 th century is a time of great upheaval in Europe. Religious and territorial conflicts lead to almost continuous warfare. Religious and territorial conflicts lead to almost continuous warfare. This provided an opportunity for rulers to increase their power.
France’s Ultimate Monarch
Parliament Limits English Monarchs The road to Constitutional Monarchy English Civil War – Conflict between King (Charles I) and Parliament leads to Cromwell as leader. English Civil War – Conflict between King (Charles I) and Parliament leads to Cromwell as leader. Restoration – The monarch (Charles II) is restored as king. Restoration – The monarch (Charles II) is restored as king. Glorious Revolution – James II becomes king after Charles II dies Glorious Revolution – James II becomes king after Charles II dies James II, a Catholic, and a threat to English Protestantism is replaced by William and Mary who agree to rule “according to the statutes of Parliament” James II, a Catholic, and a threat to English Protestantism is replaced by William and Mary who agree to rule “according to the statutes of Parliament”
English Bill of Rights – Clearly stated the limits of royal power making England a Constitutional Monarchy.
Enlightenment and Revolution The Medieval View (Geocentric) believed that the earth was an unmoving object located at the center of the universe The Medieval View (Geocentric) believed that the earth was an unmoving object located at the center of the universe Heliocentric, sun-centered, theory is proposed buy Nicolaus Copernicus. Heliocentric, sun-centered, theory is proposed buy Nicolaus Copernicus. Scientific Revolution placed an emphasis of the practical application of scientific theory. One should use careful observation and question accepted beliefs. Scientific Revolution placed an emphasis of the practical application of scientific theory. One should use careful observation and question accepted beliefs.
The clergy expressed opposition to the Scientific Theory because it went against church teachings The clergy expressed opposition to the Scientific Theory because it went against church teachings The Inquisition forced Galileo to state that the earth was the center of the universe. Galileo spent the rest of his life under house arrest. He was cleared by the Catholic Church in The Inquisition forced Galileo to state that the earth was the center of the universe. Galileo spent the rest of his life under house arrest. He was cleared by the Catholic Church in Denis Diederot – His Encyclopedia Denis Diederot – His Encyclopedia was a summary of knowledge of the time. It was banned by the Church Other important contributors – Other important contributors – Isaac Newton – Law of universal gravitation. Isaac Newton – Law of universal gravitation. Observation, experimentation, and mathematics is the basis of scientific discovery Francis Bacon – scientific metho d leads to better world
The Enlightenment in Europe Enlightenment Thinkers – Two Views on government Enlightenment Thinkers – Two Views on government Thomas Hobbes – In his book, Leviathan People give up their rights to a strong leader (King) in exchange for safety, law, and order. People are naturally selfish and wicked. Hobbes called this agreement of ruler and ruled the Social Contract Thomas Hobbes – In his book, Leviathan People give up their rights to a strong leader (King) in exchange for safety, law, and order. People are naturally selfish and wicked. Hobbes called this agreement of ruler and ruled the Social Contract
John Locke – Two Treatises on Government More positive view of human nature. John Locke – Two Treatises on Government More positive view of human nature. People are born with natural rights – life, liberty, and property. A government’s power comes from the consent of the people to be governed. People are born with natural rights – life, liberty, and property. A government’s power comes from the consent of the people to be governed. Locke heavily influenced Thomas Jefferson’s writings and the American Revolution. Locke heavily influenced Thomas Jefferson’s writings and the American Revolution.
The Philosophes (French philosophers) opposed divine right monarchs (they were social critics) Believed that people could apply reason to all aspects of life and could govern themselves. 1. Reason 1. Reason 2. Nature 2. Nature 3. Happiness 3. Happiness 4. Progress 4. Progress 5. Liberty 5. Liberty
Key Figures Key Figures Voltaire – Fought for tolerance, freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Voltaire – Fought for tolerance, freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Montesquieu – Concepts of “separation of power” and “checks and balances”. Great influence on America’s Constitution. Montesquieu – Concepts of “separation of power” and “checks and balances”. Great influence on America’s Constitution. Rousseau – Social Contract Committed to individual freedom. Man gives consent to be governed for the common good. Promoted direct democracy. Very different outlook than Hobbes Rousseau – Social Contract Committed to individual freedom. Man gives consent to be governed for the common good. Promoted direct democracy. Very different outlook than Hobbes
Enlightenment had tremendous influence on future governments. Enlightenment had tremendous influence on future governments. Three long term effects that helped shape Western Civilization Three long term effects that helped shape Western Civilization * Belief in Progress * Belief in Progress * A More Secular Outlook * A More Secular Outlook * Importance of the Individual * Importance of the Individual Enlightenment philosophers did little to promote women’s rights
More Important Figures Adam Smith – wrote The Wealth of Nations the ultimate guide to capitalism. Mary Wallstonecraft – Argued for women’s rights in A Vindication of the Rights of Women Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Child prodigy who composed The Magic Flute EFFECTS OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT Rulers like Catherine the Great of Russia became an Enlightened Despot by following Enlightenment ideals