Section 1-A Clash of Values CHAPTER 20-The Jazz Age Section 1-A Clash of Values
Key Idea During the 1920s, clashes between traditional and modern values shook the U.S.
Nativism Resurges In the 1920’s racism and nativism increased Fear of Germans and Communists expand to all immigrants Competition for jobs increased How and why does this happen?
Nativism Resurges Sacco and Vanzetti case (April 1920) Eugenics Accused of murder and theft Italian immigrants and anarchists Executed August 1927 Eugenics Improve hereditary traits Major proponent - Woodrow Wilson immigration control What foreign country practiced this in the 1930’s and 1940’s?
Nativism Resurges The Ku Klux Klan pushes to restrict immigration Targets Jewish, Catholics, other “un- Americans” Membership ↑ KKK spreads North Laws that limit immigration force KKK out of spotlight, politics
Controlling Immigration Emergency Quota Act (1921) Limits immigration – 3% of total ethnic pop. already in US/yr National Origins Act of 1924 makes this permanent Lowers quota to 2% for each national group Limits southern and eastern European immigrants Hispanic immigration increases after the Mexican Revolution of 1910 Help with agriculture, mining, and railroad work Western Hemisphere exempt from immigration laws
The New Morality A “new morality” challenged traditional ideas, glorified youth and personal freedom How can you compare this to today? New ideas on marriage, work, entertainment, and a woman’s role in society Automobile exemplifies this
The New Morality Women’s fashion drastically changed Flappers Professionally, women make advances in science, medicine and law American Birth Control League – becomes Planned Parenthood
The Charleston
The Fundamentalist Movement Some Americans feared the new morality Fundamentalism Rejected Darwin’s theory of Evolution Champion Creationism Bible is literally true 1925 Butler Act Illegal to conflict with Creationism in Tennessee schools Scopes Trial HS teacher put on trial
Prohibition Many people felt the 18th Amendment would better society – unemployment, poverty, domestic violence Volstead Act – enforce Prohibition, Federal police powers expanded Americans largely ignore Prohibition Speakeasies Crime becomes big business Ex. Al Capone 21st amendment in 1933 ends prohibition - Why? Victory for modernism/defeat for supporters of traditional values