Abigail Adams Marisa
Abigail Smith-Adams Abigail Smith-Adams Abigail Adams was born October 22 nd 1744, Weymouth, Massachusetts. Her full including maiden name was Abigail Smith Adams.
Abigail Adams Early Years Abigail Adams Early Years Abigail changed political government by standing up and saying “Women had no voice in government politics.”
An interesting fact An interesting fact Abigail was married in 1764 to John Adams.
Abigail Adams was famous because… She was husband of John Adams. Abigail pressed the argument that women should be granted full legal equality in the new government. During the American revolution and later Abigail pursued diplomatic missions in Europe. Abigail believed in Freedom. John Quincy her son was also president.
Abigail Adams Later Years Abigail Adams Later Years Abigail boycott the tea and made her tea. Abigail taught an African American slave reading and writing when he was not allowed to go to the local school. Abigail was the 1 st presidents wife to live in the white house. Abigail did not like the white house Abigail stood up for women’s rights and slavery. Her quote “I am sick, sick, of public life.”
The Impact on Abigail’s life The Impact on Abigail’s life She helped way more than one African American slave learn. Abigail changed the colonists’ American legal tax documents. While her husband John Adams was being president during the Revolutionary War ( ). Abigail left letters to her husband provided valuable information about British troops and ships in the Boston area. Abigail was also mother of John Quincy Adams who also became president.
My opinion that describes Abigail Smith-Adams Detailed Helpful Thoughtful Caring Responsible Respectful
Information Source The books I used were Partner in Revolution Abigail Adams by: Clare Hodgson Meeker Abigail Adams Author and Illustrated by: Alexandra Wallner