Absolutism, Scientific Revolution, & Enlightenment
Absolute Monarchs in Europe Feudalism declined Catholic church weekend ▫Spanish Empire wanted to conquer Lutherans Caused growth of armies Higher Taxes = Revolts against Absolute rulers
Scientific Revolution Medieval View Geocentric Theory ▫Earth was an immovable object located at the center of the universe. ▫Planers, moon, sun all orbited the earth Christianity taught God had deliberately placed the earth at center of universe. New Way of Thinking Heliocentric Theory ▫Copernicus found that the Earth revolved around the Sun Copernicus feared ridicule because it contradicted religious beliefs Published his book in last year of his life
Galileo Developed a telescope Able to describe surfaces of sun and moon Supported Copernicus Church threatened him Forced him to read a confession that his and Copernicus findings were false Summoned to house arrest
Enlightenment Because of science, people rethink ways of government Beliefs that people can learn from experiences and make good choices Separation of powers, abolishment of torture, freedom of expression, religious freedom, etc…
American Revolution Enlightenment ideas spread to Americas Britain goes to war with France and gains a lot of territory Started passing laws on Colonists to pay for war debt Boston tea party
American Revolution Lead to organization of army under George Washington France wanted to weaken Britain so they entered Inspired people in France to have their own revolution
The French Revolution
The Old Regime France divided into social classes (Estates) ▫1 st Estate – Roman Catholic Church Owned 10 % of land Provided education and services to poor 2 % of profit given to the government ▫2 nd Estate – Rich Nobles Owned 20% of the land, and paid no taxes ▫3 rd Estate – 3 groups of people Bourgeoisie – middle class merchants City Workers – cooks, servants, etc… Peasants – Farm workers (97% of population)
The start of Revolution Members of the third estate paid up to half of their income in taxes. Enlightenment spread the idea that everyone should be equal The French economy was failing King Louis XVI was weak and unconcerned
Storming of the Bastille King Louis intended to break up the National Assembly by force French people gathered weapons to defend their city The infiltrated the Bastille (Prison in Paris) July 14 th Bastille Day (similar to 4 th of July in America)
Reform National Assembly created new constitution to limit the kings power King Louis XVI was fearful ▫Boardering Countries who did not want revolution to spread ▫The French people thinking the King would help the enemy, Louis XVI sentenced to death for treason.
Napoleon Bonaparte War hero who ended threats from other nations French government lost peoples support so he seized the government
Napoleon’s Changes Made tax collection fair Removed dishonest government workers Started public schools Gave the Church back some power Wrote new laws to give equal rights but he limited free speech and restored slavery Louisiana purchase (15 million)
Napoleon’s Empire Collapses Napoleon’s bad decisions ▫Desire to crush Britain (Hurt Economy) ▫Made his brother King of Spain (Lost 300,000) ▫Tried to conquer Russia (Lost 300,000) Defeated in Germany 1813 and later in 1815
Congress of Vienna Three Main Goals ▫Wanted to make sure the French did not attack another country again ▫Balance of power where one nation was not too strong ▫Place Kings back in charge of countries from which they were removed
Revolution Overview