District 186-ICAC partnership Working together to achieve outstanding results
Illinois College Advising Corps The mission of ICAC is to assist, educate, lead and inspire first generation, low-income, underrepresented youth in the enrollment and completion of post-secondary education. College enrollment (access initiative) and completion (retention initiative) are the overarching goals of the ICAC program. In high school, students have access to a College Adviser; in college, they have a College Coach. Both are near peers who serve as advocates and liaisons for student success.
Lanphier High School Steve Rambach – Post Secondary Coach Tyler O’Donnell- Illinois College Adviser This year we have achieved some truly remarkable statistics.
Lanphier Demographics Approx. 64.0% of students low income 3.8% homeless
Teamwork Together we have helped… 205 seniors (99%) complete the FAFSA 125 students receive scholarships totaling approx million dollars Approx. 70% of 205 received MAP and Pell Grants totaling close to 1.5 million dollars 10 students enlisted in various military branches.
Teamwork continued 99% of our seniors have applied to at least one college 141 seniors have applied to 3+ schools 202 seniors have attended a College Representative visit 519 sophomores and juniors have participated in campus visits.(includes repeats)
Interactions 1,781 One on One Meetings (9-12) 3,972 participated in group meetings 195 individual parent meetings
Thank you Mr. Rambach has been instrumental in my development as a young professional and College Adviser. The bonds I have made at Lanphier will be for life. Thank you to Lanphier High School, ICAC and District 186 for the best year of my life. Go Lions! We will continue to build on our great success!
Southeast High School Post-Secondary Coach: Theresa Watkin College Adviser: Bethany Carmien Both started service in Fall 2012 Approximately 60% total population free or reduced lunch eligible Senior class: ~63% first-generation college students
Seniors Served 175 (74%) submitted the FAFSA 100% submitted a college application, or were assisted with military enlistment 120 (51%) submitted at least 3 college applications 189 met with at least one college representative 204 served by College Room 5+ times, 204 served 10+ times $4.9 million in scholarships awarded as a class 2 nd Place in annual Financial Literacy Bowl
Junior Outreach 209 met with a college representative 92 participated in college trips 290 served 2+ times, 257 served 3+ times “Senior Success” ACT outreach conducted during US History classes 2 homerooms dedicated to preparing for senior year
College Jump Start ICAC hosts a college-preparation event for rising seniors/soon-to-be College Ambassadors August 11 th -13 th at University of Illinois—Springfield Anticipating 60+ attendees from Lanphier and Southeast College application workshops, high-profile scholarship awareness, financial aid overview, AND a trip to SIU-C
Thank you! Karen Mayberry-McFarlin, Program Director Khadija Tejan, Retention Coordinator Tyler O’Donnell, College Adviser Bethany Carmien, College Coach at UIUC