2012 Yield Challenge Submitted by Clara Miles and used in cooperation with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The materials that appear in this document may be freely reproduced for educational/training activities. There is no requirement to obtain special permission for such uses. We do, however, ask that the following statement appear on all reproductions: This permission statement is limited to the reproduction of material for educational/training events. Systematic or large-scale reproduction or distribution (more than one hundred copies per year)—or inclusion of items in publications for sale—may be done only with prior written permission. Also, reproduction on computer disk or by any other electronic means requires prior written permission. Contact the University of Illinois Agricultural Education Program to obtain special permission. The University of Illinois and its affiliated entities, in addition to the individual submitting the materials, assumes no liability to original work or activities therein YIELD CHALLENGE, by ILLINOIS SOYBEAN ASSOCIATION Materials produced for classroom use in conjunction with permission from the University of Illinois Agricultural Education Program.
2012 Yield Challenge For Community Colleges and FFA
What is Yield Challenge? Cooperation between Farmers, Agri- business, Researchers, and Schools to raise Illinois soybean yield levels Real-world conditions that relate to farmers real production challenges Opportunities for innovations, discovery, demonstrations, and teaching opportunities
Yield Challenge is Important To Farmers: – finding and implementing effective ways to improve Illinois soybean yields To Schools and Students: – Hands-on experience in crop science planning, field execution, and learning experiences – Exposure for FFA and College ag programs – Cash awards to winning school ag departments – Spark interest in future crop science careers
Simple Rules and Protocol Need 4 acres for plots – record practices and results –2 acres normal production (check) –2 acres yield enhancing practices (challenge) Same variety on each plot Flexibility in what is to be researched –Green light to test what interest your farmers, supporters, and student curriculum – make it fit your students No cost to schools – and agri-businesses may support Compete against county average soybean yield
Categories of Testing – one or more Pre Plant (fertility, soil treatments, etc.) Tillage Options Seed Treatments Seeding Options Weed Control Options Foliar Feeding Foliar Insecticides Foliar Fungicides Harvest Practices
How to get started…. Yield Challenge website: Contact Jim Nelson – – or
Illinois Soybean Association Crop Science Scholarships UIUC, SIU, WIU, & ISU Up to 10 $4,000 each Find out more at: IAA Foundation Website: Crop_Science_Scholarship_Program.html or