New Students: Kelly Ness, Morgan Jackson, Rui Jiang Missing today: Dylan, Paige, Jenny (can we start at 4 pm next time?) Experimental Biology Abstract Deadline: › November 6 th ! Don’t forget about section awards, Caroline Tum Suden awards (more in October). Annual Program Retreat: Partnering with CRBH › Friday Nov 7 (4 to 7 pm) and Saturday Nov 8 (8 am to 1 pm) › All students expected to present a poster (except 1 st years) › All students expected to participate in set up and planning › New Initiative: Lab Portolios (more to follow) › All students would be foolish not to attend dinner with Keynote Lecturers Sturek and Bagnell › Accommodations for COM students
Committee meeting form has changed Please form your committees ( if 2 nd year ) Please schedule your meetings ( all 2 nd years and beyond ) !!!! Conflict Resolution: › Dr. Korzick › Paula Brown – HUCK › Dr. Mitchell – HUCK › Dr. Adair’s office – Graduate School
Upcoming Finishes: David Moore and Darshan Trivedi Training Grant has been funded! Opportunities for all! › 1 st Class: Billie Alba, James Hester, Paul Hsu, Zhi Chai › PHSIO 510: Spring 2015, T/R 1 to 2:15 Physiological Adaptations to Stress 127 Noll Lab/COM room TBA › January 15/ required completion of IDPs
October 2, 2014 “Managing and Organizing Data – Career Opportunities in Clinical Research, Drug Information, & Medical Affairs” Dion Zappe, Ph.D., Senior Clinical Research Scientist, Astra Zeneca / Novartis Pharmaceuticals 4:15 – 5:30 pm, 108 Wartik Building C4702 COM October 3, 2014 “Challenges in Clinical Research – Mechanism Based Research as an Integral Part of Overall Clinical Evidence” Dion Zappe, Ph.D., Senior Clinical Research Scientist, Astra Zeneca Novartis Pharmaceuticals 11 – 12:15 am, 127 Noll Laboratory C4702 COM October 9, 2014 Screening of PBS Documentary: “Declining by Degrees: Higher Education at Risk” 4:15 – 5:30 pm, 127 Noll Laboratory October 16, 2014 Panel Discussion: “Problems Facing Universities: Follow up to Declining By Degrees”, Kathy Drager, Ph.D. Associate Dean for Research, CHHD; Dennis Shea, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and Outreach, CHHD; Donna Korzick, Ph.D., Chair, Physiology IGDP 4:15 – 5:30 pm, 127 Noll Laboratory October/November 2014Title, TBA Eileen Kane, Ph.D., J.D., Professor of Law, Dickenson School of Law, Penn State University. Dr. Kane teaches a range of courses that blend the latest scientific advancements and fast-paced legal developments in biotechnology, the Internet, patent law, and evidence. Scholarship is focused on biotechnology, including such issues as gene patenting and DNA evidence. Wednesday, 1 to 2 pm, location TBA November 2014 HemoShear, LLC: A Story of Translational Science, from Academia to Pharmaceutical Drug Discovery” Brian R. Wamhoff, Ph.D., Vice President of Research & Development and Co-founder, HemoShear, LLC Location and time TBA January 15/ “IDPs: It’s Time to Get Serious About Career Planning” Faciliated by Philip S. Clifford, Ph.D., CoAuthor of myIDP Science Careers, Associate Dean for Research, College of Applied Health Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago Registration Required; Time TBA (Mandatory for PHSIO students year 2 and beyond) January 23, 2015, Trisha Agrawal, PhD “Intellectual Property: An Unexpected Career Choice” Scientific Advisor, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, New York, NY 11 – 12:15 am, 127 Noll Laboratory
Physiology PHUN Week: Nov 3-7, 2014 Easterly Parkway Elementary School › 1 st grade (17 to 50 students) › Exercise & Health Theme GOALS of PHUN week: › Increase student interest in and understanding of physiology in their lives › Increase teacher recognition of physiology in their standards-based science curriculum › Introduce students to physiology as a possible career › Involve more physiologists in outreach to the students and teachers in their communities
Is there a problem? › NPR reports Nature, Vol 472, ; , 2012 Do students with PHSIO degrees have an advantage? › Data