Developed in Spring 2009 Features information and resources about academic service-learning, civic involvement, services trips and volunteer opportunities. Provides opportunities for the NLU community to become civically engaged.
Nonprofit volunteer and internship fair to the NLU community Made initial contact with over 200 nonprofit organizations in the Chicago area 34 organizations attended Over 90 attendees
Over 60 members of the NLU community have travelled to NOLA since the summer of 2007
Sponsored by Illinois Campus Compact Hosted at NLU's Chicago campus Forum for leading professors at Chicago universities to discuss the effects of globalization on today's college students
Topic: Civically-Engaged Scholarship: Service- Learning Pedagogy Keynote speaker: Dr. Pamela Proulx-Curry, Professor at University of Wisconsin-Parkside Many faculty from NLU and Chicago-area universities shared service-learning ideas and course projects Students presented service-learning projects to attending faculty
The IDS-OCC, an Interdisciplinary Studies major, was approved for development in Spring The course schedule and syllabi are in development. For marketing purposes the CEC is creating a list of similar programs available in the U.S. It is locating nonprofit and grassroots organizations whose members might be interested in the IDS-OCC program.
Send Silence Packing Coordinated with the Office of Counseling and Health Services Guest speakers discussed types of sexual violence and its effects on victims Provided information and resources for survivors
Hosted by Service for Peace at Chicago Public Schools Participants played basketball at Dr. King High School Free legal advice provided by volunteering lawyers