Saudi Arabia Jake Rotger 6th grade 5th/6th hour block
Topics I will be talking about seven topics; they are: Geography Facts & Figures Interesting Information (2 slides) History Culture Politics Economics (2 slides)
Geography Absolute location: 25 N, 45 E, and/or most of the Arabian peninsula. Physical location: Only uninhabited deserts, and big cities. Ways of travel: There are 213 airports, and 8 heliports. I chose this picture because it is Saudi Arabia
Facts & Figures Population growth rate: 1.954% of the total population (28,146,656) per year Life expectancy: 76.09 total, 78.25 women, 74.07 men Literacy rate: 84.7% men, 70.8% women I chose this picture because it Shows books, and Saudi Arabia Has a high literacy rate
Interesting information My five undescussed facts are: Saudi Arabia is the biggest country in the Arabian peninsula Saudi Arabia is 100% Muslim (not including illegal immigrants) Saudi Arabia has the most barrels of oil in the mid east
Interesting Information (2) The Saudi Arabian flag’s white letters represent the country’s Muslim creed: ‘‘there is only one god; Allah. Mohammad is his profit’’ The highest Saudi Arabian temperature is 124 degrees, and the coldest is -12 degrees (fereinhite) I chose this picture because it shows Saudi Arabia’s size to other countries In the Arabian peninsula
History Oil was discovered in 1933 launching this country from poverty to wealth Since the rise in gas prices in 1977-1979, there has been more money, making more urban areas In 1900, Saudi Arabia was just about the capital of the Muslim population This picture represents History Because Saudi Arabia has lots of Oil
Culture Saudi Arabia is 100% Muslim (besides illegal immigrants) The national language is Arabic Saudi Arabia celebrates Muslim holidays (hajj and Ramadan) Most clothing worn is handmade This picture represents the culture Because it shows camels, and most People in Saudi Arabia ride camels
Politics Saudi Arabia has a king, which means it is a monarchy The person in charge is king Abdullah This is a picture of Saudi Arabia’s king; Abdullah
Economy Saudi Arabia is labeled as developed Saudi Arabia has 5 reasons that it is developed % of urban population Oil in barrels Per capita GDP % of people who own cars Life expectancy
Economy (2) The U.S GDP per capita (48,000) is more than twice as much as Saudi Arabia's (21,000) I chose this picture because Saudi Arabia has been known for its oil
Citations Saudi Arabia." Reviewed by Alam Payind and Jennifer Nichols. The New Book of Knowledge®. 2009. Grolier Online. 16 Mar. 2009 <>. "Saudi Arabia." Encyclopedia Americana. 2009. Grolier Online. 16 Mar. 2009 <>. "CIA world factbook". CIA. 3/16/09 <>.