{ SAUDI ARABIA Important Information
Personal Customs Hands and Feet Clothing Religious Holidays Food Customs Other Important Notes Overview
Shaking hands is required with males Don’t shake hands with female unless prompted When entering meeting, shake everyone’s hand Greeting: “Salam alaykum” (Peace be upon you) Response: Wa alaykum as-salam Formal address: Male – Sayyed Female – Sayeeda Don’t call to a person using your finger Personal Customs
Only use right hand for eating and drinking Left hand considered unclean Do NOT show soles of feet Means the other person is “dirt” Best practice is to keep feet on ground (don’t cross) Hands and Feet
Men: No shorts No sleeveless shirts Suits are acceptable in the office Women: Elbow and knee must be covered A head covering is recommended Conservative dress is required Clothing
The only important holiday is Ramadan and this runs from June 29 – July 28. No eating, drinking, or smoking in public during daylight hours No embracing during the same periods Religious Holidays
If offered beverage, you must accept – it is offensive if you do not Do not drink alcohol in public, Muslims do not drink alcohol As mentioned before, only use right hand for eating, or use a fork. Food Customs
Do NOT walk on prayer mat or in front of someone praying Do NOT enter mosque without permission; this is offensive Try not to put a Saudi Arabian man down, he will appreciate you for it. Other Important Notes
Personal Customs Hands and Feet Clothing Religious Holidays Food Customs Other Important Notes Overview