Metric Prefixes kings have Dashed my dreams cried mary A Mnemonic iloilo 1000 ectoecto 100 ecaeca 10 ecieci 1/10 entienti 1/100 illiilli 1/ etreetre
mmcmdmmDmhmkm 1/1000 m1/100 m1/10 m1 m10 m100 m1000 m millimetre centimetre decimetremetreDecametre hectometre kilometre Units of Distance The principal unit of distance in the metric system is the metre (m) BiggerSmaller 1cm = 10 mm 1 m = 100 cm/1000 mm 1 km = 1000 m Metre Stick
mgcgdggDghg 1/1000 g1/100 g1/10 g1 g10 g100 g1000 g milligram centigram decigramgramDecagram hectogram kilogram Units of Mass The principal unit of mass in the metric system is the gram (g) Bigger Smaller 1 Tonne = 1000 kg 1kg = 1000 g 1 g = 1000 mg kg Sugar 1 kg 3 tonnes (3000 kg) 1g = mass of 1ml/cc of water
m l c l d l lD l h l 1/1000 l 1/100 l 1/10 l 1 l 10 l 100 l 1000 l millilitrecentilitredecilitrelitreDecalitre hectolitre kilolitre Units of Capacity The principal unit of capacity in the metric system is the litre (l) Bigger Smaller 1 l = 1000 m l 1 l = 100 c l 1 c l = 10 m l 1 Litre 1000 ml 330 ml 70 cl 1 kilolitre 1000 litres k l 1 ml/cc of water has a mass of 1 gram