TC 8421 QUALITY “I don’t know what it is, but I know it when I see it” Subjectivity What makes a media project good ? No definition, but can be described
TC 8422 QUALITY: A 5 PART EQUATION Form--the craft Content--what is being communicated Artistry--interaction of form and content The Viewer--approach and effect Business/Commercial Success
TC FORM: How we present the content Create an illusion be invisible (drama) Create an effect effects are not hidden (music video)
TC FORM: How we present the content sound/music photography lighting writing directing casting performance/acting Sounds are appropriate, clear, positioned Exposure, composition, sense of style Even, but expressive, appropriate mood Natural dialogue, understandable plot, subtexts, simplicity Understands script, performances feel natural, nuance Actors believable, capable, correct look and feel Natural, involve the viewer, understand the script
TC FORM: How we present the content wardrobe/makeup editing technical quality sound image special effects graphics setting Visually interesting, era/reality, believable, unified look Transitions motivated, continuity, rhythm/pace, simplicity, scenes/story make sense Exposure, levels, color, etc. No distortion, hum, etc Accurate color and signal to noise ration Believable, seamless, appropriate Composition, clarity, safe area Shootable, visual interest,
TC FORM: How we present the content Design Navigation Visually interesting, unified look, easily understandable, uncluttered Easily followed, logical, simple
TC CONTENT: What we want to communicate Significant relevant thorough accurate challenging appropriate interesting Timely moving
TC CONTENT: What we want to communicate use oblique approach be about something Not just excitement Human condition Great themes Useful
TC CONTENT: What we want to communicate socially redeeming provides insight into the human condition deals with difficult subjects has seriousness of purpose has a reason for the telling addresses universal issues illuminates the human spirit is significant to the culture
TC ARTISTRY: How form and content effect each other Interaction of form and content indefinable, but necessary creative unique appropriate original whole is greater than sum of its parts
TC ARTISTRY: How form and content effect each other Magic programs which are blessed programs which "sing” Chemistry originality
TC ARTISTRY: How form and content effect each other innnovativeness unpredictability Passion risktaking intensity daring
TC ARTISTRY: How form and content effect each other difficult to quantify or measure artistry may be perceivable but not definable necessary to art
TC THE VIEWER Approach to the Viewer respect audience not cynical not preach relevant, informative, challenging Effect on the Viewer grabs emotional impact stimulate thought move to action
TC THE VIEWER assume that the audience is intelligent and capable of understanding and appreciating quality avoid preachiness and not just intend to sell products challenge teach, enlighten satisfy nourish stimulate entertain
TC THE VIEWER provide a framework to make connections engenders curiosity makes people think stimulates them to talk about its subject matter
TC BUSINESS/COMMERCIAL SUCCESS Numbers/ratings if nobody watches, is it good ? may be irrelevant if not watched particular well you hit the target
TC BUSINESS/COMMERCIAL SUCCESS maximize audience size how effective is a program which few people see you cannot have a substantial effect in a mass medium without a large audience effectiveness in gathering and holding viewers how well you reach the targeted audience age education, sex.
TC BUSINESS/COMMERCIAL SUCCESS Audience data useful in evaluating quality clearly is only part of the mix.
TC Some General Characteristics -factual projects/programs should be impartial, tasteful, and fair -fictional projects/programs should not be impartial, but should be challenging, passionate, and well crafted -programs should deal with issues indirectly to avoid being pedantic -quality programs should require active rather than passive viewing -quality television is intimate television
TC General Characteristics Comedy "it should be wildly funny and make a social statement". Producer of WKRP In Cincinnatti Steven Bochko, the creator of NYPD Blue, says there is an indefinable element which is a “chemistry” or a Gestalt quality programs should make people think, move them to action, stimulate them, entertain them, and take them out of their lives. "chill bumps" at moments of discovery stimulating the viewer to take action.
TC General Characteristics Does the program meet its goals maximizing audience social significance. Each professional creates with goals in mind consideration of those goals in evaluating quality.