CPSC Tablet PC Software Development Fall 2006 Roy P. Pargas Department of Computer Science Clemson University August 17, 2006
Fall 2006 Goals Students learn how to develop software for Tablet PCs Students learn how to develop software for Tablet PCs Weekly assignmentsWeekly assignments Semester projectSemester project Theme: Theme: Pedagogical toolsPedagogical tools
Course Outline Phase 1, 6 weeks Phase 1, 6 weeks 20% Six small programming assignments20% Six small programming assignments Phase 2, 6 weeks Phase 2, 6 weeks 10% Project proposal10% Project proposal 10% Project development10% Project development Progress during Phase 2 meetingsProgress during Phase 2 meetings Phase 3, 3 weeks Phase 3, 3 weeks 10% Presentation10% Presentation 5% Peer-evaluation of presentation 5% Peer-evaluation of presentation 25% Completely working project25% Completely working project 20% Documentation20% Documentation
Text Jarrett and Su, “Building Tablet PC Applications”, Microsoft Press, Redmond, WA, 2003 Jarrett and Su, “Building Tablet PC Applications”, Microsoft Press, Redmond, WA, 2003
Software Development Tools Microsoft.NET Framework Microsoft Tablet PC SDK Jarrett and Su Text Tablet PCs
Student Projects Presented at WIPTE 2006 Purdue University West Lafayette, IN March 2006
Sarah Peck Russian/Language Tutor
Himanshu Kumar Mind Map
Word file
Jerry Stasulis Graph Algorithms
Achal Singha Math and Statistics Tools
Adam Goodbar Finite State Automata
Dhaval Shah and Adam Goodbar MessageGrid Ink
Conclusions Powerful One-Two Punch Powerful One-Two Punch Microsoft Tablet PC SDKMicrosoft Tablet PC SDK Jarrett and Su textJarrett and Su text Tablet PC animation often overlooked Tablet PC animation often overlooked Students can develop useful, visual applications within one semester Students can develop useful, visual applications within one semester Students exercise creative talents Students exercise creative talents
Fall 2006 Now have eight student projects to build on Now have eight student projects to build on Projects: Projects: Building pedagogical toolsBuilding pedagogical tools Extension of this year’s student projects Extension of this year’s student projects Earth and science courses Earth and science courses Making CS interesting to high school students Making CS interesting to high school students Student Poster Proposals: Student Poster Proposals: WIPTE 2007, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, June 2007WIPTE 2007, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, June 2007
Acknowledgements Development of this course was supported by Development of this course was supported by 2005 Microsoft Research Tablet PC and Computing Curriculum Grant, Jane Prey, Program Manager2005 Microsoft Research Tablet PC and Computing Curriculum Grant, Jane Prey, Program Manager Donation of an HP Tablet PC, Rob Reed, University Relations and Wayne Johnson, VP University RelationsDonation of an HP Tablet PC, Rob Reed, University Relations and Wayne Johnson, VP University Relations
CPSC 663 Online Systems Spring 2007 Roy P. Pargas Department of Computer Science Clemson University August 18, 2006
Spring 2007 Goals Students learn how to develop applications involving Students learn how to develop applications involving SmartphonesSmartphones PDAsPDAs GPS receiverGPS receiver Wireless and bluetooth communicationWireless and bluetooth communication Activity Activity Weekly assignmentsWeekly assignments Semester projectSemester project
Course Outline Phase 1, 6 weeks Phase 1, 6 weeks 20% Six small programming assignments20% Six small programming assignments Phase 2, 6 weeks Phase 2, 6 weeks 10% Project proposal10% Project proposal 10% Project development10% Project development Progress during Phase 2 meetingsProgress during Phase 2 meetings Phase 3, 3 weeks Phase 3, 3 weeks 10% Presentation10% Presentation 5% Peer-evaluation of presentation 5% Peer-evaluation of presentation 25% Completely working project25% Completely working project 20% Documentation20% Documentation
Software Development Tools Microsoft.NET Framework Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK
Available Devices: Smartphones Palm Treo 700w Audiovox XV6700
Available Devices PDA, GPS Receiver Dell Axim X50 with GPS receiver Pharos Bluetooth GPS Receiver
Current Projects: MessageGrid Mobile MessageGrid Download grid Collect info, photo, audio, video Upload grid
Current Projects: ClemShow
Recent Project: Survey 2005 National Geographic Final Report
Current Projects: OnQ-based WHO Policy Development Tool
Over 35 countries around the world, some in Asia, some in Eastern Europe, some in the Americas, but most in sub- Saharan Africa, contribute health information through a web- based survey to a database housed in Clemson.
Current Projects: OnQ-based WHO Policy Development Tool The information is processed
Current Projects: OnQ-based WHO Policy Development Tool
Future Projects Will involve: Will involve: Microsoft.NET, SQLMicrosoft.NET, SQL SmartphonesSmartphones PDAsPDAs GPS receiversGPS receivers Wireless and bluetooth communicationWireless and bluetooth communication
Acknowledgements Development of this course has been supported by Development of this course has been supported by 2004 Microsoft Research Curriculum and Content Development, Tom Healy, Program Manager2004 Microsoft Research Curriculum and Content Development, Tom Healy, Program Manager faculty fellowship from Clemson University ETS-OTEI Laptop Faculty Development Program faculty fellowship from Clemson University ETS-OTEI Laptop Faculty Development Program
Summary CPSC CPSC Tablet PC Software Development Fall 2006 (starts August 29) 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm, Tuesdays CPSC 663, Online Systems, Spring 2007 CPSC 663, Online Systems, Spring 2007 Roy Pargas