“Change, or the pressure to change, is in the air in our educational systems. The effects touch everyone at all levels, from national governments to students. What can-and should-the stakeholders at each of these levels do when they choose to become involved and have a voice in their future?” Jim Ellsworth
What are your thoughts on technology in the classroom? “I love when teachers make lessons exciting and the computer allows this in the classroom. It is always more fun to learn with video and audio but not all teachers are too smart with it.”
What are your thoughts on technology in the classroom? “I use technology for everything, my phone and computer at home allow me to be productive with work and social use. More teachers need to allow us to use them in classrooms. ”
Teaching background o teaching for 18 years o Writing Coach elementary Schools. Technology experience o technology in the classroom for 8 years. The following interview is with a stakeholder in the writing curriculum that is concerned about students’ writing skills while students use some new technology in the classroom.
I believe technology in the classroom will be? Technology can be used to enhance learning, giving opportunity and access to information like never before, it can also facilitate learning by providing diverse avenues for collaboration and presentation. Forrest Watkins
How is technology affecting the learning process? Technology has the potential for diversifying learning and adding many facets to the learning process. We need to be mindful however of the importance of " how-to knowledge" for technology. I could put a teacher into a situation with all the current "bells and whistles" available but if that teacher does not have training in how to use it or is reluctant to use it that technology does nothing for the learning process.
How is technology affecting the learning process? It is also necessary for teachers to be knowledgeable about how to integrate technology not for technology sake only but for real integration into the learning process. Technology does not guarantee learning or a better education. Sending a child to a website just to send them there or having them play a game just for the sake of using a computer does not enhance learning. The uses must have true instructional merit, otherwise technology is wasted.
The Interview Questions When you hear the phrase “technology integration” what does that mean to you? Making sure that the use of technology is a valid educational endeavor and enhances the learning process.
The Interview Questions How should technology be used in education? Technology can be used to enhance learning, giving opportunity and access to information like never before, it can also facilitate learning by providing diverse avenues for collaboration and presentation.
The Interview Questions If you were in charge of designing the modern classroom, what would it look like? Classroom computers (enough for each student to access) and a portable computer for the students to take and use at home. Smart board technology for interactive problem solving along with the needed software and peripherals to use. I would also include a clicker system for student responses in which we could analyze, graph and display information about those said responses.
Are you happy with the level of technology use at your school? Why or why not? Working for a large urban school system, I see the use of technology drastically varies between school site based on a number of different variables: interest (student and faculty), funding, and socio-economic status of the school population. A more uniform method of providing, distributing, training, managing, and maintaining would ensure a level of technology use throughout the district. (some schools still use chalk boards, some overhead projectors while others have document cameras and projectors with smart board technology, while average number of computers per class varies between 1 and 5)
Are you happy with the level of technology funding at your school? Why or why not? I would like to see a more even distribution/use of funding for technology AND training in its use!
Has technology changed the way you work in your classrooms and has it changed your assignments? As a writing teacher -- no. Creative writing if taught with elementary students on computers would relegate us to being nothing more than typing teachers, therefore the process/product aspects have not changed nor been influenced by technology. However the access to read alouds and information about writing/authors has improved greatly with the incorporation of technology.
How would you assess your teachers' integration of technology into the classroom? Again, being from a large urban district and working in a number of different schools, I see integration and use on many different levels. There are many teachers that incorporate technology effectively, many that do not have the access they would like and still some that have access but either have no desire to make use of, nor implement the technologies use appropriately.
Can you provide any recommendations to improve access to and use of technology in your local classroom? $$ training first, hardware second and software third.
Do you feel that integration of technology into your classrooms has had a positive impact on your achievement? If not, why? If so, how? Absolutely! Technology has provided the resource of being able to make tangible concepts, information, and ideas that previously were only items for intangible discussion.