Improving Outcomes through Extra-Curricular Activities Engaging with schools to improve pupil outcomes Children England Conference 15 th March 2012 Supported by
Who are we?
We believe every child and young person must have an education that enables them to develop to their full potential.
Improving Outcomes for Children and Families: Department for Education Extra-Curricular Activities Grant Increase the range and sustainability of extra curricular learning opportunities made available to pupils by schools and VCS organisations Enhance the quality of learning opportunities provided by schools and VCS organisations Support the development of a well trained schools and VCS workforce to support the delivery of extra curricular activities
Delivery plan develop the Learning Exchange develop a database of VCS organisations providing extra- curricular activities develop an online quality checklist develop and publish six online information documents develop and deliver a training programme for schools and VCS organisations facilitate peer to peer support and challenge seminars opportunities
A network for extra-curricular practitioners and other professionals working with children and young people. Share knowledge, discuss issues, be inspired.
The Learning Exchange: …up to date information, advice, support, interaction and resources…
The Learning Exchange: Share good practice and ideas with a virtual community of colleagues. Benefits to schools and local authorities: Access to the VCS search engine A one-stop of quality-checked local and national VCS organisations offering extra-curricular activities. Free training, resources, e-helpline Available to all schools and local authorities that join the Learning Exchange. Membership is free.
The VCS Hub: Benefits to VCS organisations Free online marketing space VCS hub, a new database holding profiles of quality-checked VCS offering extra-curricular activities. Increased visibility to schools Learning Exchange home page, Twitter feed and Facebook page. Quality assurance support Free training, resources, e-helpline
The VCS Hub This is what a school sees when it finds a VCS Hub profile on the Learning Exchange…
Reviews on the Learning Exchange Review Star rating ….schools or other Learning Exchange members can rate VCS hub members they have successfully commissioned….
The VCS Hub …blogging helps raise your profile…
The VCS Hub: Quality checklist: Hub members are required to complete and submit checklist to ensure they meet a set minimum criteria. First Steps: “The Extending Learning Opportunities (ELO) framework for self-evaluation in study support is a tool for quality assurance of the learning opportunities for children and young people outside of normal lesson time.” Completely free Certificate from QiSS at Canterbury Christchurch University Permission to use the QiSS First Steps logo which schools will recognise. Support through the process
The ECA Practice Series:
Training Programme & Peer-to-Peer Support and Challenge Seminars develop and deliver a training programme for schools and VCS organisations on the themes of: planning, delivering and embedding sustainable extra-curricular activity, raising quality, monitoring outcomes, cluster/partnership working and commissioning the voluntary sector facilitate at least 9 peer to peer support and challenge opportunities each year for staff delivering and managing extra-curricular activities in schools and VCS organisations
Join us…. The Learning Exchange membership VCS Hub Share knowledge, discuss issues, be inspired.
Acknowledgements Resources and support ContinYou has produced a range of resources to support schools, community educators and voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations to improve the range and quality of their extra-curricular activities. These materials are available from the Learning Exchange ( ContinYou also offers opportunities for peer-to-peer support and challenge. Development of the resources and training has been funded by the Department for Education (DfE) under its ‘Improving outcomes for children, young people and families’ grant funding programme. Training The training element of Improving outcomes through extra-curricular activities has been developed by UFA (
Mobile: please keep in touch via the Learning Exchange