Bjørn Baaberg, senior advisor NKS Distance Education Present activities, - since April 2002 Project manager of e-learning: Political Science and Video- production Online evaluation of NKS customers/students (Questback and LUVIT) Facilitating on-line training for online NKS tutors (NKS has designed her own introductory program for online tutors) Coordinator of a national online seminar in Net-pedagogic by NADE. (Supported by the Ministry of Education and Research) –Evaluation report of same seminar, Sept. 02 (avail. in Norw.)
Previous e-learning activities (89-01) Rector of NKS Distance Education ( ) further transition of courses into an e-learning environment some products delivered as e-learning (ca students) one major problem: how to achieve sound business results by disseminating e-learning products three other major problems are related to: i) the role of the tutor, ii) the activities of the students, and iii) the design of the net courseware Senior Advisor, NKS ( ) (e-learning and other administrative tasks for the NKS Group) Rector of NKS College (1989 – 92) one of the two first colleges in Scandinavia to move into e- learning/computer conferencing (1989) – “PortaCom” Diploma course in Business Administration (online in 1990) Diploma course in Public Administration (online in 1991) Organized a number of online seminars for NADE since 1997
Online Seminars – NADE In-service training and the use of technology ICT for dyslectic adults The workplace as an arena for learning Norwegian language and background Web-Based learning Environments in Europe Net-Pedagogic, - a forum for exchange of ideas and further developments.
The 12 Principles of Collaboration Source: moongoose technology Purpose Identity Reputation Governance Environment GroupsCommunication BoundariesTrustExchangeExpressionHistory ”Designing. Building, and Managing Learning Communities” Seminar at Online-Educa ( )
Underlying Frameworks human needs and structures Purpose: We share a goal or interest Identity: We know who’s who Reputation: We build status on our actions Governance: Our behaviour can be regulated according to shared values Communication: We can share info and ideas Groups: We can relate in smaller numbers Environment: We interact in a shared space Boundaries: We know who belongs Trust: We feel safe in interacting Exchange: We trade knowledge, support, goods, services, and ideas Expression: We have a group identity and we know what the others are doing History: We can track the evolution of the group ”Designing. Building, and Managing Learning Communities” Seminar at Online-Educa ( )
NKS Evaluation of Group Activity Feb Highlights 44%: there was ”no activity” in the discussion groups 26%: there was ”a little activity” 3%: there was ”a lot of activity” Journalism Political Science, Marketing, European Computer Driving Licence 49%: they had not been active, - not even read the contributions 4%: they had participated ”relatively often” 72%: important to have contact with a tutor 50%: not important to be in contact with other students (812 respondents – 28% response rate)
Summary – Net-Pedagogic-Evaluation - NADE 176 participants 86% found the seminar satisfying Seminar output “as expected” or “positive” for 70% 86% want to participate in more online seminars 44% have participated in previous seminars there was some criticism raised as to the software that was used most satisfied from ”private sector” – least satisfied from ”public sector” international attendance is very much welcomed