Non-Academic Context for Strategic Planning
S.W.O.T. ANALYSIS HELPFULHARMFUL INTERNAL Strengths Our characteristics that give us an advantage over others Weaknesses Our characteristics that are a disadvantage to us EXTERNAL Opportunities Elements in the environment that we could exploit Threats Elements in the environment that could be harmful to us
Planning influences Academic Plan Campus Master Plan Research Plan No significant debt/strong financial position Entrepreneurial by nature Strong, committed governance Robust policies and procedures in many areas Highly qualified personnel (HQP) STRENGTHS
TRU World Open Learning High quality infrastructure Accessible Unique programs Regional reach Demonstrated commitment to sustainability STRENGTHS
University budget model Strong financial position is being eroded Lack of brand awareness Lack of space (of all types) Unfunded graduate seats Sustainability of regional centres Retention of 2 nd and 3 rd year students Media relations WEAKNESSES
We have a unique Act - stated research mandate - adult basic education - open learning credit bank - must serve the educational/training needs of our region - must serve the open learning needs of the province Strong provincial political support Excellent municipal relations Excellent relations with First Nations OPPORTUNITIES - Political
TRU Community Trust Community U Possible significant capital funding in 15/16 OPPORTUNITIES - Economic
Government Reporting Entity (GRE) – Limits flexibility Realizing our purposes (as defined by the Act) International uncertainty THREATS - Political Declining regional population Fewer males attending University THREATS - Demographics
Underachieving against our domestic enrolment target Limited (i.e. No) ability to raise debt as a GRE Uncertain labour environment Mandated tuition increases Cuts to block grant THREATS - Economic
Ever changing post-secondary technology landscaped Mobility MOOC’s Online student experience Social media exposures/risks THREATS - Technology Compensation restraint Currency exchange rates Aggressive visa processes from countries like Australia / USA Location THREATS - Competitive
PROCESS: Institutional strategic goals derived from the Strategic Plan Goals are SMART (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound) Goals MUST be costed (test of attainability) Plan MUST have annual milestones Goals set at the faculty, departmental and unit level are derived from the Strategic Plan Budget allocations are driven by the Strategic Plan Allocations for strategic initiatives Allocations to mitigate risks that threaten our strategic direction