Wishaw & Shotts Area Voluntary Sector Locality Network 4 th September 2015
Welcome and Introduction Anne Brannan, Voluntary Action North Lanarkshire
Morag Hearty Programme Manager Telehealth and Telecare in Lanarkshire - update
simple & instinctive, helping patients to help themselves 5 Readings & answers Opt-in/out, prompts, questions, feedback, advice, education all my teams clinician smartphone web patients mobile phone Alerts if needed Closed loop £ free to txt
Technology Enabled Care Workstream 1 Home Health Monitoring- providing simple technology to support people in understand their condition and promote self management of symptoms
Respiratory: COPD and Asthma Cardiology : Heart Failure & Blood pressure Mental Health : Beating the Blues & Stress control Diabetes: Paediatric care & Keto acidosis admissions Wound Care: Leg ulcers & Podiatry ( ) Under discussion: GP involvement, Palliative care, Medication prompts and Specialist nurse services
Workstream 2 Video Conferencing to enable partner organisations to link with one another
Workstream 3 Building on the emerging national digital platforms such as Living It Up to expand self management information
Any questions? Get in touch for further information:
PQASSO: an overview
PQASSO: an overview Charities Evaluation Services 2010 PQASSO is... An off-the-shelf quality management system for the voluntary and community sector A step-by-step approach to identify what you are doing well and what could be improved A workpack that is simple and straightforward to use An holistic and generic approach to quality A self-assessment tool supported by evidence A self-assessment tool that that now has the option of external assessment
PQASSO: an overview Charities Evaluation Services 2010 Why invest in quality? Improve effectiveness and efficiency Improve satisfaction of users, staff and volunteers Develop consistency across sites and services Checking and prevention of errors and problems – fewer things going wrong Set improvement targets and priorities and monitor progress against them Comparison with other organisations leading to improvements Demonstrate quality of service to funders
PQASSO: an overview Charities Evaluation Services 2010 Who is PQASSO for? PQASSO 3 rd edition is suitable for small, medium or large organisations It has been used successfully by large national multi- sited organisations with over 1,000 staff It has been used successfully with social enterprises and industrial provident societies Very small volunteer-led organisations use PQASSO as a capacity building tool
PQASSO: an overview Charities Evaluation Services 2010 Benefits of using PQASSO For the organisation Assesses performance against agreed standards Promotes continuous improvement Demonstrates quality of service to purchasers and funders Improves management systems and organisational planning Improves communication For service users Helps users to know what service they can expect Supports establishment of a user-centred culture Improves opportunities for providing feedback resulting in better services Creates opportunities for user involvement.
PQASSO: an overview Charities Evaluation Services 2010 PQASSO: the quality areas PQASSO addresses all the key areas of organisational life Planning Governance Leadership and management User-centred service Managing people Learning and development Managing money Managing resources Communications and promotion Working with others Monitoring and evaluation Results
PQASSO: an overview Charities Evaluation Services 2010 The self-assessment process Self-assessment is undertaken by the organisation itself Involves people making a judgement about the organisation’s performance against the PQASSO standards and indicators You identify what is being done well (your strengths) and decide what needs to be improved (your areas for improvement) You then work towards an action plan to address the areas for improvement Needs to reflect the views of the different stakeholders within the organisation Self-assessment is not a ‘one-off’ process
PQASSO: an overview Charities Evaluation Services 2010 Levels of Achievement There are three levels of achievement in PQASSO Level 1 Sets the minimum requirements that any organisation should meet. Helps organisations to identify and meet their legal obligations. Level 2 Requires organisations to be more strategic in their approach and most policies, procedures and practices to be documented. Level 3 Requires resources and all aspects of organisational life to be systematically reviewed, with reviews resulting in measurable change.
PQASSO: an overview Charities Evaluation Services 2010 The PQASSO Quality Mark is awarded against the PQASSO standards at level 1, level 2 or level 3 The PQASSO Quality Mark lasts for 3 years The Charity Commission endorses organisations achieving the PQASSO Quality Mark at all three levels and they can use an additional Charity Commission logo. (England Only) PQASSO Quality Mark Accrediting the voluntary sector
PQASSO: an overview Charities Evaluation Services 2010 Further information PQASSO Information Session - 17 th September 1.30pm – 3.30pm PQASSO Implementation Training – 22 nd October 9.30am – 4.30pm - £30 per person Both sessions will be held in Bellshill YMCA To book on the above please contact Pamela Smith at VANL For further info visit the NCVO website:
Networking Session
Home Energy Scotland
Newmains Community Trust Sandy Mohammad & Robert Arthur
Michael Duffy Police Scotland
Christine McNally Wishaw & Shotts Locality Consortium Representative Integration Update
North Lanarkshire Voluntary Sector Partnership Group August / September 2015
Voluntary Sector Children and Families Network operational as sub-group of Voluntary Sector Partnership Group Group meets quarterly – next meeting in November 2015 (venue – TBC) Members recently informed of the Children and Young Peoples (Scotland) Act with a focus on Third Sector implications Currently seeking nominations for reps from members of the Children and Families Network to represent the Network at their local CLPG meetings Further information available from Sharon Bissett (VANL) Tel: / Children and Families Network
North Lanarkshire Voluntary Sector Dementia Network now established – first meeting took place June 2015 48 organisations represented and expressed interest in ongoing membership of Network Existing connectivity was recognised and used as a foundation for development of the Network Next meeting of the Network will take place in November 2015 Further details available from Craig Russell (VANL) Tel: / NL Voluntary Sector Dementia Network
Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill explores new ways for communities to take ownership and do things for themselves Bill is now an Act of Parliament, having received Royal Assent in July 2015 Includes new legislation on how communities take on land and buildings Proposals for increased community involvement in Community Planning Guidance document expected later this year to provide further information on how the Act will affect the Voluntary Sector. Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill
This year, Make a Difference Day will take place on 24 th October 2015 Provides people across the country with the opportunity to get involved in their local community (individually or in groups) Anything goes – the more fun, the better! International Volunteers Day: 5 th Dec 2015 Designated by the UN in 1985 as an international observance day to celebrate the power and potential of volunteering An opportunity for volunteers, and volunteer organisations, to raise awareness of volunteering. CSV Make A Difference Day / International Volunteers Day
VANL August – December 2015 training programme now available In majority of cases, training is free of charge to VANL members (VANL is offering organisations free membership during 2015 / 2016) Topics include Effective Minute Taking, Committee Skills, various IT courses and Introduction to Volunteer Management. More details available by contacting VANL’s Central Office on / VANL Training Programme (Aug – Dec 2015)
The British Transplant Games will take place in North Lanarkshire over 4 days in August 2017 More than 750 competitors - all of whom have received lifesaving transplants - will take part in about 17 sports Athletics will be staged at Wishaw Sports Centre and swimming at the Sir Matt Busby Sports Complex in Bellshill The Games are being organised on behalf of the charity Transplant Sport and sponsored by not-for-profit health insurer Westfield Health Expected to attract 1,500 spectators. North Lanarkshire to Host British Transplant Games in August 2017