Due Date: ODD Classes – January 10, 2012 EVEN Classes – January 11, 2012
The Eiffel Tower, designed by Gustave Eiffel, was an incomparable engineering feat when it was erected in preparation for the Universal Exposition of 1889.
It only took five months to build the foundations and twenty- one to finish assembling the metal pieces of the Tower. March 15, 1888 September 15, 1888 December 26, 1888 March 12, 1889 The assembly of the 300 meter tower was a marvel of precision, as all chroniclers of the period agree. (Imagine a tower taller than 3 football fields, end to end.) The construction work began in January 1887 and was finished on March 31, Historical photos source:
Tower is basically composed of two parts: - a base, which is a sort of sturdy stool, standing on 4 main pillars, and - a tower firmly attached atop. The pillar base allows the Tower to withstand the swaying wind forces.
Because the basic structure composed of laminated iron is visible, the Geometry is clear. Let’s explore this marvel, looking for the MATH! Use your Math terms to describe what you see…
Parallel These stairs lead you to the first level observation deck. Where is the Math? Equidistant Congruent
Triangles Intersecting line segments Congruent shapes Perpendicular
Your Challenge! You will work with a Design and Construction Crew to create a new Tower, using only toothpicks and glue.
Your Tower base may not have more than 4 supports at the base. Your Tower base must be set on a 12” x 12” tile. Your Tower must be structurally able to support a tennis ball at the top. Your Tower must reach minimum height requirements. Base: 10” x 10” square Height: 30 inches
Your team must design an original flag that expresses a Mathematical Theme which will be placed on the top of your Tower.
Product Scoring Rubric: Completed on Time 100 pts. Follows Design Plan50 pts. Meets size specs.50 pts. Meets support specs.50 pts. Original flag50 pts. Creativity 100 pts. Neatness 100 pts. ============ TOTAL 500 pts 50 EXTRA CREDIT POINTS WILL BE ALLOTTED TO PROJECTS TURNED IN BEFORE THE DUE DATE!!!
Sources: Eiffel Tower historical information/photos Flag of France ag.html ag.html