PFMRP Phase IV Brief Overview PEFA, other diagnostic reports along with the CAG and PAC reports provided the frame of reference for development of PHASE IV of PFM reform program. The strategy and the supporting M&E framework has been organized under five KEY RESULTS AREAs each of which target specific PFM challenges and/or areas of weakness. The M&E framework has been developed with milestones under each KRA that monitor the results produced. DPs have organized their participation with DP leads established for each of the 5 KRAs. This is expected to enhance collaboration between DPs and GoT counter parts.
PFMRP Phase IV Key Results Areas KRA 1 Revenue Management policy development, projection, collection and administration Output 1.1: Improved quality of forecasting of fiscal aggregates for three years on a rolling basis Output 1.2: The Government improves efficiency in domestic revenue mobilization both at the policy and the administration levels by updating legal instruments towards international best practices Output 1.3: Strengthened capacity of local government authorities to collect revenue by 2015 Output 1.4: Increase of donor funding that flows through the exchequer system by 2016
KRA 1 Output 1.1
PFMRP Phase IV Key Results Areas KRA 2- Budgeting and Planning capacity development and systems enhancements. Output 2.1: Strengthened capacity of MDAs, RSs and LGAs in implementing program based budgeting by June Output 2.2: Increased effective utilization of Planning and budgeting tools by 2016 Output 2.3: Strengthened capacity of LGAs for MTEF preparation by 2015
PFMRP Phase IV Key Results Areas KRA 3 Budget Execution, Accountability and Transparency cash management, debt management, transition to full accrual accounting, fixed asset management, procurement policy, management, and financial reporting. Output 3.1: Improved public procurement performance by PEs by 2015 Output 3.2: Strengthened public sector procurement by June 2015 Output 3.3: Strengthened capacity of MDAs, RSs and LGAs in Cash management by 2015 Output 3.4: Strengthened public debt management capacity by 2015 Output 3.5: Improved integrity and content of government financial statements and the migration from IPSAS cash to IPSAS accrual accounting for all government accounts is progressing in accordance with plans. Output 3.6: Improved accountability in management of Government Assets for supporting migration to IPSAS Accrual
PFMRP Phase IV Key Results Areas KRA 4 Budget Control and Oversight. Focus on Internal Audit Department, PPRA, CAG / NAO and the TRA. Output 4.1: Increased coverage and quality of the internal audit functions by 2016 Output 4.2: Strengthened External audit functions by 2016 Output 4.3: Improved transparency on audit reports (central, local and parastatal levels) to strengthen scrutiny and accountability. Output 4.4: Improved performance of parastatals by June Output 4.5: Strengthened capacity of oversight functions of Parliamentary Accounts Committee in Tanzania Mainland
PFMRP Phase IV Key Results Areas KRA 5 Change Management Utilization and Coordination of ICT systems, improved access to public information, management capacity, coordination and collaboration between PFM actors. Output 5.1: Coordinate Integration, interfacing and rationalization of Government financial systems. Output 5.2: Utilization of EPICOR modules Increased from seven to ten Output 5.3: All software development and module upgrades are coordinated with the overarching plans for ICT integration. Output 5.4: Improved communication and public access to key fiscal information to stakeholders Output 5.5: Coordination and Standardization of PFM Training Achieved. Output 5.6: PFMRP component Managers are being guided by detailed multi-year operating plans.
PFMRP Phase IV Key Results Areas KRA 5 Change Management Utilization and Coordination of ICT systems, improved access to public information, management capacity, coordination and collaboration between PFM actors. Output 5.7: PFM activities are effectively planned and implemented Output 5.8: Effective coordination of activities and support provided to the program implementers Output 5.9: PFM Program oversight and review is being guided by clearly defined Milestones derived from an agreed M&E framework, Output 5.10: All major PFM reforms have been coordinated with and informed by the relevant government and DP stakeholder groups Output 5.11: PFMRP implemented efficiently and effectively through result based management approach. Output 5.12: National systems and processes for intergovernmental transfers to LGAs Streamlined and rationalized
KRA 5 Output 1.1
PFMRP Phase IV Overview High Impact Initiatives Revenue forecasting and mobilization ICT Systems integration with continued roll out of automation. Transition to IPSAS Accrual Accounting. Creation of an effective Debt Management Unit and Systems Improved Government Cash Management Systems Development of the Internal Auditor General Division and function at all levels of Gov’t LGA Fund Flow architecture