Warm-Up Write your homework – leave it out to be stamped Update your Table of Contents for today! REVIEW: What is an ecosystem? What are biotic & abiotic factors? What are water ecosystems called? Land ecosystems? How can they be connected? Our focus today is marine ecosystems…what does marine refer to? DateSession # ActivityPage # 5/19 & 5/20 8Ocean Zones & Marine Ecosystems Note Guide9 Marine Vocabulary Swim10
Intertidal Zone Shoreline area that falls between the high tide and low tide mark.
Life in the Intertidal Zone Animals in this area are able to adapt to being both underwater and in open air Common Life Forms: Crabs Urchins Starfish Clams Snails Mussels
Neritic Zone The ocean zone that slopes down from the shoreline towards the ocean floor.
Life in the Neritic Zone Animals in the Neritic Zone have access to both shallow and deeper water. The life in this zone is very diverse! Common Life Forms: Sea Turtles Dolphins Seals Variety of fish
Oceanic Zone The oceanic zone is made up of the open waters of the ocean
Life in the Oceanic Zone Marine life varies greatly due to the changes in depth, temperature, pressure and amount of sunlight. Common Life Forms: Whales Sharks Squid Angler Fish (deep)
Intertidal zone Neritic zone Oceanic zone
Marine Ecosystems: Within these zones are many different and separate ecosystems.
Coral Reefs Extremely diverse ecosystems - “The Rainforests of the Ocean,” are sensitive to change and protect coastlines from storm surges
Estuary An area where fresh water from a river mixes into the salt water of the ocean creating “brackish” waters
Estuary Demo Salt Water is denser than freshwater therefore it does not fully mix…watch what happens in our mini estuary
Kelp Forests Large underwater forests of brown algae that provide a habitat for animals and many resources for humans
Salt Marshes A transitional area between land and water that acts like a filter for pollution
Mangrove Forests A transitional area between land and water in tropical areas that transfer energy from land to sea through the food chain
What About the Deep Ocean Ecosystem? explorers explorers What are some characteristics of the deep ocean ecosystem and the organisms within it?
What Is Ocean Life Like? Investigate what makes the ocean so unique by taking a “Vocab Swim” through the ocean’s… Features & Zones Nutrients & Processes Physical Conditions More Unique Ecosystems Essential Organisms
The Ocean as a Resource… What is the value of marine ecosystems…what do we get from them and what do we use them for?