Despite new media forms, a business letter is still one of the most effective ways to transmit a message Benefits- Produce a permanent record Confidential Carry a sense of formality
Direct Claim Writing Plan- 1. Opening -- Clearly describe the problem, or what action you want the receiver to take. 2. Body – Explain your problem using details and facts to justify your request. 3. Closing – Summarize your request and be courteous in your ending.
End the letter pleasantly and be cordial. Logically arrange and explain the information. Deliver the information the reader wants within the first sentence. Start with a subject line to help the reader recognize the topic.
Three Goals – I. To rectify wrong II. Regain confidence from customer III. Promote future business and goodwill
Goodwill messages include messages expressing thanks, recognition and sympathy. They should be written promptly. When writing a goodwill message, focus on the five S’s Selfless Specific Sincere Spontaneous Short
Primary Goals Make the receiver understand the bad news. Help the receiver accept the bad news. Maintain a positive image of you and your organization. Secondary Goals o Reduce bad feelings. o Convey fairness o Eliminate future correspondence. o Avoid creating legal liability.
Buffer – Open with neutral statement that doesn’t mention bad news. Reasons – Explain the causes of the bad news to show the matter was taken seriously Bad News – Acknowledge the bad news without emphasizing it. Try to provide an alternative or compromise. Closing – End with a friendly, forward looking statement. Best used when the receiver might overlook the bad news, when directness is preferred, when firmness is necessary, and when the bad news isn’t damaging.
- Deal with problem immediately (phone, ) - Send a follow up goodwill letter - Don’t blame customers - Avoid “you” statements - Use neutral, objective language
Gather all the information Prepare and rehearse Explain: past, present, future Consider taking a partner Think about timing Be patient with the reaction When delivering bad news to a large number of employees, an inter office memo is best. Be honest and open when explaining the bad news.
Persuasive messages follow a basic writing plan… Opening Capture Attention Describe Problem Suggest Benefits Offer Promise Closing Motivate Action Ask for Particular Action Show Courtesy Body Build Interest Explain Request Prove Merit Anticipate Objections
When composing a sales letter, follow the AIDA pattern
The basic principles used in traditional sales messages also work with , though there are some differences -shorter than direct mail -feature colorful graphics -occasionally have sound/video clips * Craft a catchy subject line * Keep the main information “above the fold” * Make the message short, conversational, and focused * Convey urgency * Sprinkle testimonials throughout the * Provide a means for opting out