Institute of Business Consulting British Computer Society Tony Ginda Membership Manager Sabrina Ahmed Professional Development Manager 15 May 2007
Objectives Institute of Business Consulting Qualifications & professionalism What makes a good consultant? Questions & Answers
Our Vision To establish and develop a professional institute for the whole of the business consulting profession, introducing a recognised career and development path for the profession, supported by a qualification route with multiple entry points
Our Mission To deliver enhanced performance for members, their clients and other stakeholders, by raising the standards of consulting practice, renewing skills and competence and acting as the authoritative voice for the profession.
About Us The Professional Body for Business Consultants (Management Consultants & Business Advisers) An organisation within the Chartered Management Institute A member of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI)
Our dimensions COMMITMENT to develop members’ skills and competence – the Institute develops consultants, from entry-level students to experienced seniors, by offering professional qualifications based on lifelong learning opportunities alongside personal career development advice. RESOURCES to address the critical issues for consulting – the Institute provides a vast array of industry information, knowledge and data via the management information centre and members’ expertise. There is the opportunity to share best practice amongst members and potentially to reduce costs through increased networking and efficiency.
Our dimensions RECOGNITION for professional achievement – the Institute champions professionalism within the business consulting industry by setting and maintaining agreed codes of conduct and ethical guidelines, bringing unified standards across all sectors and levels of experience. Members are recognised as competent professionals with measurable skills and a high level of professionalism adhering to industry-set standards. EXPERTISE to drive better business performance the Institute offers networking opportunities through regular local and national events that will increase access to key contacts and enhance prospective business opportunities. This results in increased revenue for both members and their organisations by building an expansive contact base and sharing expertise.
What we do Raising the profile of business consulting Addressing business needs Membership and research Innovative Processes, advice and knowledge
Our service offering Management Information Centre (MIC) Standard Terms and Conditions Institute of Directors (IoD) reduced membership rates Legal helpline Competitive insurance rates e.g. PII Management Consultancy Competence Framework Qualifications & Awards
How we demonstrate professionalism Entry and grade of individual membership depends on qualifications and experience Grades: –Fellow –Member –Associate –Student –Affiliate
How we demonstrate competence Consultancy competence framework Developed with the profession and academics Provides an up-to-date and comprehensive framework for CPD Underpins the only competence-based award for management consultants-Certified Management Consultant (CMC®)
Certified Management Consultant Award Only awarded in the UK by Institute of Business Consulting – independent and objective assessment of consultancy competence Endorsement of skills, knowledge and experience Recognised internationally – 10,000+ Processes externally audited by ICMCI Award requires Institute membership and CPD
Professional development in the future Map standards and competence across whole business consultancy profession Promote qualifications across business consulting and advice Extend body of knowledge
What makes a good consultant? Current knowledge / industry / market experience Qualifications Success – Measurable Recognition – Industry professionalism Commitment to CPD – Lifelong learning
Institute of Business Consulting working with you Questions & answers Further queries: