Dana Barsch Janssen, LP. Kendall Gay Kendall Gay Consulting, Inc (USA) session When traditional models don't work Slippage, constructionism, and proxy ethnography Not in Excel document
2 When Traditional Models Don’t Work: Slippage, Constructionism & Proxy Ethnography Dana Barsch Kendall Gay Manager, Marketing Research Qualitative Research Consultant Janssen, LP Kendall Gay Consulting
3 Agenda Background / Situation Traditional methods weren’t working Needed a new Crystal Ball Case Study Client-Consultant Role Reversal
Background The future looked bright and clear … … but the view got cloudy We’re doing all the right MR... … aren’t we? So, what happened? 4
Let’s go backwards to see forward 5
6 Social Construction Theory The Social Construction of Reality, Peter L. Berger & Thomas Luckmann, Simplistically, how people think, categorize and structure their world to create their own realities. Truth is subjective, dynamic and dependent on the individual or the group / society. Qualitative research seeks to discover people’s individual & subjective experiences of the world with the intent of learning what is true for them. …but, there’s a hitch
7 Slippage? … social constructs (reality) can change by environment &/or society. Add to that the lack of innate self awareness and you get … Slippage –What we say or think we do (often, who we imagine or wish we were…) –What we actually do (often, who we have to be…) The difference between them - slippage - is fertile ground for understanding &/or changing behavior. Brad Davidson, PhD PMRG ANC 2007
8 Simplistically, studying a group of subjects in their own environment (Margaret Mead, James Michener) Understanding how people perceive the world around them – their value systems Both descriptive and interpretive… -descriptive, because detail is so crucial, and -interpretive, because the ethnographer must determine the significance of what she observes and hears... Brad Davidson, PhD PMRG ANC 2007 What is Ethnography?
9 Case Study SituationHypothesisOptionsRisks Unexpected Findings
10 Situation Business question Janssen had been trying to answer for years Previous unsuccessful attempts Many misleading insights Something different was needed
11 Hypothesis Physicians are actually doing something different from what they say they are doing!
12 Methodological Considerations Scenario has a low frequency of occurrence Cost HIPAA (EUDD) & confidentiality Inducing undesired reactions from patients A small few Dr’s are good at it, most are not Controlling for slippage & the social construct ………. welcome creativity!
13 Methodological Options A: Traditional Approach: Ask/Tell B: Ethnography: Observation of physicians in their natural environments C: Proxy Ethnography: Constructed environments and role playing
14 A - Traditional Approach: Ask/Tell Physician: First, I … Then I…. Researcher: How do you___?
15 Observation of physicians in their natural environment is ideal, but it has limitations…… – Feasibility – Cost – Timeliness – Legal Constraints B – Ethnography / Observation
16 C – Proxy Ethnography 1: Describe the overall interview process 2: Moderator introduces patient chart to physician 3: “Proxy” patient interaction exercise in a “proxy” environment 4: Moderator debrief & interview
17 Weigh the RISK against needed outcomes
18 When to Use “Proxy” Ethnography Scenario occurs infrequently, legal constraints &/or security issues Skeptical of responses from “traditional” research When environment and roles may have an effect What they mean vs. what they say is unclear To learn “actual” language To minimize social desirability bias
19 Analytical Considerations We rarely observe physicians in the act of treating patients –A lot takes place that both the physician and researcher are not aware of Physicians do not get routine feedback on how they conduct conversations or behave with patients It’s difficult for respondents to accurately report what they say and what they do Transactional Analysis Theory is a key
20 How Findings Impacted the Product Physician – Patient language used in interviews were incorporated into sales rep training materials New promotional materials Sales approach, messages & tactics changed Source data for professional medical education Developed peer to peer content Changed metrics used to measure response to promotion
21 Have fun inventing your own approach Brainstorm with the team Eliminate boundaries (except legal/regulatory) Check egos at the door Keep an open mind Consider the environment and roles Think about how to make the respondent comfortable … and uncomfortable Take risks, learn from mistakes, adapt Keys To Success
22 What We Would Like You to remember Be a team Be inventive Expect more from your self, your team and your respondents Some valuable insights can be missed by using “traditional” research approaches
23 For more information, please contact... Dana Barsch Manager, Marketing Research Janssen, LP (609) Kendall Gay Qualitative Research Consultant Kendall Gay Consulting (800)