Forest Management Special Certification Models Version:
2 Contents Group Certification SLIMF Certification NTFP Certification
4 Group Certification Multi-landowner/manager certificate One certificate is issued to group entity Sub certificates assigned to group members Greater Access to certification Lower cost per member Expandable certificate
5 Key Terms Group Manager: Applies for certification, holds certificate, responsible for FSC standards being followed by the group Group Members: Forest owners or clients whose FMU(s) are certified under the group certificate Certificate Scope: Defined Set of Certified Land covered by the group certificate
6 Some Key Assumptions… All group members shall conform to the FSC certification standards The Group Manager is responsible for ensuring compliance by all members
7 Group Certification Models CERTIFIED GROUP ENTITY Consulting Forester Forest Management Company Forest Products Company GROUP MEMBER Individual private landowner (working with Group Entity forester) GROUP MEMBER Timberland investment company (working with Group Entity forester) GROUP MEMBER Local government agency or board (working with Group Entity forester)
8 Group Certification Models CERTIFIED GROUP ENTITY Community Forest Association Cooperative Non-profit GROUP MEMBER Municipality Government owned land Uses own forestry staff GROUP MEMBER Community forest Government-owned land Uses group entity forestry staff GROUP MEMBER Private landowner Uses group entity forestry staff or consulting forester
9 Landowners’ or producers’ association or cooperative All members use same management system Membership maintains operational control Membership ensures standards are followed Key management differnces Forest manager is certified Manages properties under different ownerships Must maintain management control of operations and ensure standards metWarning: If certifiable perfomance on ONE FMU fails, then ALL certified forests in the group could lose their certified status.
10 Group Certification Requirements
11 Additional Standards for Group Manager Group manager is “legal entity” Group manager has sufficient legal and management authority Qualified Staff Forest Management System Administrative Oversight Contact Person
12 Defined Pool of member FMUs Signed consent forms from participating members Disclosure of forests not included in the pool (partial certification policy) Documented Member Requirements Documented Member & Manager responsibilities Group Monitoring Procedures Record keeping of group management documents and activities Additional Standards for Group Certification
13 An addition to FM Certification Process Scope (certified pool) Sample size Sample stratification Performance levels within group Internal monitoring by RM/Group Assessing group function and stability Group Assessment Process
14 Assessment Sampling Less than 100 Members: 1/3 of properties must be visited by an auditor More than 100 Members: No Fixed percentage Assessment team must determine (and justify) the # of sites visited in report
15 Assessment and Audit Stratification Geographic homogeneity (e.g. forest type) Management homogeneity (e.g. silvicultural systems, management systems, personnel involved in management) Sampling levels must be based on a justified stratification:
16 Audit & Reassessment Sampling During annual surveillance audits & reassessments the number of FMUs visited must be at least half the number visited during the initial assessment.
18 SLIMF S L I M F mall...(or) ow ntensity anaged orests
19 Certification is more accessible & affordable for smaller operations Streamlined Procedures Reduced Audit Intensity Less Cost SLIMF - KEY FEATURES
20 SLIMF classification International maximum threshold Small Forest Management Units Area < 1000ha Low Intensity Forest Management Units Rate of harvesting: less than 20% of the mean annual increment less than 5000 cubic meters (or less than 5000 m3 / year ) Groups of SLIMF All group members are either ‘small forests’ or ‘low intensity forest management units'. SLIMF classification
22 NTFP Non Timber Forest Products All forest products except timber, including other materials obtained from trees such as resin and leaves, as well as any other plant or animal products. FSC-STD , FSC Glossary of terms, July 2004
23 NTFP - Evaluation When does management of NTFP need to be evaluated? ALWAYS Auditors must take into account the potential impacts of the harvesting or collection of NTFPs as part of the normal evaluation for compliance of FME with the applicable Forest Stewardship Standard…….