„Infrastructure, support services” workshop at Civil Society Excellence 4 March 2005 Tallinn, Estonia Network of Civil Service Providers Nóra Sasvári Department of Civil Relations Ministry of Youth, Familiy, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
The 1990s 1990s - political, economic and social challenges NGOs had to face Major functions of Hungarian nonprofit organizations in the 1990s: democracy building, strengthening pluralism and citizen actions; public policy formation; service provision, economic restructuring; redistribution of wealth; socio-psychological role.
Number of nonprofit organizations in Hungary, YearFoundations and public law foundations Voluntary associations and other nonprofit organizations Total 1990 a 1,83211,25513, b 6,18217,86924, b 9,70320,66030, c 11,88422,77834, c 14,21625,94340, c 15,65027,13342, c 17,10928,20745, c 18,60328,76247, c 19,22528,15947, c 19,75428,41748, c 19,70027,44447,144 A Figures from the court register of NPOs updated on the basis of a sample survey b Figures from the court register of NPOs – not updated c Figures from the statistical register of NPOs updated on the basis of annual statistical surveys Sources: Nonprofit szervezetek Magyarországon, 2000, Központi Statisztikai Hivatal, Budapest, 2002.
Structure of the nonprofit sector in Hungary in 1990, 1995, 2000 Fields of activity Culture1,2794,3274,942 Sports, recreation5,36514,13413,815 Education, research8225,5187,923 Health1901,7492,111 Social services1,2363,1484,137 Environment ,019 Development & housing5292,0673,279 Civil & advocacy associations, crime prevention3911,5911,969 Emergency prevention and relief9201, Philanthropic intermediaries International activities Business & professional associations, trade unions 1,5015,4274,088 Other2821,4671,644 Total13,08742,78347,144 Sources: Nonprofit szervezetek Magyarországon, 1995, 2000, Központi Statisztikai Hivatal, Budapest, 1997, 2002.
Legal framework Establishment is based on: Right of Association of non-governmental organisations Civil Code of foundations 1 % law – law enacted first time that the taxpayers could designate their 1% of income tax for a civil organisation Modifications: 1 January % (1% for civil organisations, 1% for churches) 1 January rescission of a lower limit (a min. of 100 HUF) organisations registered as of Particularly Public Benefit Organisation can be supported one year after registration (the privilege of Public Foundations ends) 1 January organisation registered as PBO can be supported after 2 years
First steps to create a network With the change of the legal environment the smaller, locally based, community organisations could not keep up with the administrative requirements --the smaller, locally based, community organisations could not keep up with the administrative requirements others helped Happened in the early 90’s: 2 groups: experts involved as leaders of NGOs experts with international experience and relations Partially successful combination of the two. BUT! Helped to form the first advocacy and interest groups!
First steps to create a network Functions: information dissemination (newsletters, publications, library) educational programmes and trainings application search and publications consulting and training on application for funding organisation of events and conferences legal and financial consultancy international networking applied research internet services
Government support to the network : first decision made to support the Civil Houses (now called Civil Service Providers) Conditions: fulfil the above mentioned requirements field of activity is not important unless tasks carried out very varied 3 yr framework contract to be renewed each year one NGO supported in each county (19+Budapest) open call for applications Seperate contract with Budapest CiSZOK – that is NIOK – as it fulfils national tasks : new call for 3 yr of contract Only 3 organisations were changed! Separate application for operation costs of services provided and extra programmes Results: Strengthened civil society organisations on local/community level communication channel of the Department/Ministry and between each other!! further contracts for the Network NGOs for other services regular meetings with the Department; consultation on NGO issues trainings provided for them by the Department 2005 March: new call for applications – by invitations
The network Consulation on legal fiscal issues GOOD for the Government as they act as multiplicators!! Financial support - service contracting out - National Civil Fund – Board on Civil Service, Development and Information Provision - Board on Civil Self-representation, professional and territorial co-operation Access to: - information government easily spreads info to sector through them - trainings (Department; Strucutral Funds) - contacts/lead position