H ONORS E NGLISH 9 Week 13: November 14-18, 2011
M ONDAY, N OVEMBER 14, 2011 Walk-In: Turn in your To Kill a Mockingbird Reading Log #6 (you may turn this in on Blockday) and take out your latest This I Believe Essay Draft. Learning Objective: Students will revise to create and engaging opening; create a smooth transitions; create a conclusion that connects back to and reflects on the purpose of the narrative experiences of events; use precise words and phrases, showing details, and figurative language to convey vivid pictures of the experiences and events; refine the expression of voice and tone in a text by selecting and using appropriate vocabulary; and show knowledge of phrases and clauses to build sentences for a particular effect (e.g., intentionally varying sentence rhythm, showing relationships, and directing reader’s attention) Agenda: This I Believe Essay Revision Due Today: TKAM Reading Log # 6 Homework: TKAM Reading Log # 7 Final Draft of This I Believe Essay
T HIS I B ELIEVE E SSAY G ROUP W ORKSHOP Writer’s Workshop On a new sheet of paper, write your name, and the title of your essay Underneath write your purpose/audience statement. This was my (purpose implied/explicit) _______ and this how I would like my audience to respond. ________. Think about some of the writing techniques focused around these concepts that you focused on incorporating. Provide one that you would like feedback on: Openings Closings Transitions precise language figurative language punctuation use of Modes (where is there narration? Exposition? Definition? Reflection? Etc) Use of appeals: Ethos, Pathos, Logos Finally, identify a personal request: one area that you are unsure about that you would like feedback. (organization, paragraphs, spelling, grammar, title, imagery…
T HIS I B ELIEVE E SSAY G ROUP W ORKSHOP Writer’s Workshop Round 1: You may share your writing with anyone you choose. Have the person who is reading your essay provide you feedback on: Identify were the paper was most successful in achieving the implied and explicit purpose to the intended audience. Mark an x where you feel the paper was less successful or you lost interest and explain why. Round 2: Find a second person to provide feedback. Have the person who is reading your essay provide you feedback on: Identify were the paper was most successful in incorporating the different techniques. Mark an x where you feel the paper was less successful in incorporating the techniques and explain why. If you did not see a certain technique please note that. Finally, give feedback according to the writer’s personal request.
T HIS I B ELIEVE A DDITIONAL O PTIONS FOR REVISION Find a mentor text to use to incorporate techniques. Use your Always, Sometimes, Never chart. Find a quiet place to reflect on your own. Come up an ask me a direct question.
T UESDAY, N OVEMBER 15, 2011 Walk-In: Take out all of your noticings charts, your always, sometimes, never chart, brainstorming and planning, your notes on your touchstone text revision, your rough drafts, and your final draft of your This I Believe essay, along with your rubric. Learning Objective: Students will discuss key events in the novel, answer level 1, 2 and 3 questions, and analyze key passages in the larger thematic context of the novel in order to improve comprehension. Agenda: To Kill a Mockingbird Discussion Due Today: TKAM Reading Log #7 Homework: All reading logs for Part 1 of TKAM due Blockday Review chapters for test
C HAPTER 8 R EVIEW Q UESTIONS 1. Why does Atticus wake the children in the middle of the night? 2. How does Miss Maudie react to what happened in the middle of the night? What does this tell you about her character/values? 3. According to Atticus, Boo placed the blanket on Scout’s shoulders. Why do you think Atticus wants to keep this a secret? How does this spontaneous act of kindness contrast everything the townspeople say about Boo? 4. Describe how Jem constructs his “snowman.”
C HAPTER 9-10 R EVIEW Q UESTIONS 1. Atticus is afraid that the children will be affected by Maycomb’s usual disease. What is the disease and what does he hope for them? 2. Why did Atticus shoot Tim Johnson? What explanation does Miss Maudie offer for “Ol’ One-Shot” putting down his gun thirty years ago? 3. Miss Maudie states that, “people in their right minds never take pride in their talents.” What does she mean? Do you agree with her? 4. Why won’t Jem allow Scout to brag about Atticus at school? Do you agree with him? 5. What causes Scout to break her promise to Atticus about fighting? 6. Why is Scout so annoyed with her father and his age?
T O K ILL A M OCKINGBIRD R EVIEW Q UOTES 1. Chapter 9: “Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try and win” (Lee 101) What does Atticus mean and how does this relate to the trial? 2. Chapter 9: “When a child asks you something, answer him, for goodness’ sake” (Lee 116). Do you agree with Atticus? Should adults and parents answer all questions? 3. Chapter 10: Explain the importance of the following quote: “Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy... but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird” (Lee 119).
C HAPTER 11 R EVIEW Q UESTIONS Why is Atticus so insistent about Jem and Scout being polite to Mrs. Dubose? Why did he want Jem to read to her? Why do you think the author gives such a detailed and ugly description of Mrs. Dubose? Discuss Atticus’ description of the phrase “n****r lover. Do you agree with his ideas on the subject?
T O K ILL A M OCKINGBIRD R EVIEW Q UOTES 1. Chapter 11: “I wanted you to see what courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you are licked before you begin, but you begin anyway, and you see it through no matter what” (Lee 149). What does Atticus mean? How does this relate to Mrs. Dubose? How might Jem see her and her behavior from a different point of view? How does this quote apply to Atticus?
W ED /T HURS, N OVEMBER 16-17, 2011 Walk-In: Turn in all of your ungraded To Kill a Mockingbird Reading Logs (5, 6, and 7) and any other ones that you fixed. Learning Objective: Students will demonstrate their basic reading comprehension of a text, their proficiency in applying literary terms to a text, and understanding of unknown words using context clues in a multiple choice and short answer reading test. Agenda: To Kill a Mockingbird Part I Test This I Believe Presentations Due Today: TKAM Reading Logs 5, 6, and 7 Homework: TKAM Reading Log # 8 and 9
T O K ILL A M OCKINGBIRD R EADING T EST You will have 45 minutes to complete this test. When you are finished, you (along with a partner) may go out into the hallway and practice delivering your This I Believe essay.
T HIS I B ELIEVE E SSAY O RAL P RESENTATION While you are listening to each person’s essay, I would like you to write down anything you admire about the writing.
F RIDAY, N OVEMBER 18, 2011 Walk-In: Turn in your To Kill a Mockingbird Reading Log # 8 and 9. Learning Objective: Students will share their This I Believe Essay with the class and admire the writing of others. Agenda: This I Believe: Presentations Due Today: TKAM Reading Logs 8 and 9 Homework: TKAM Reading Logs 10-12
T HIS I B ELIEVE E SSAY O RAL P RESENTATION While you are listening to each person’s essay, I would like you to write down anything you admire about the writing.