段雨尘 ( )
Writing Style Contents Life Introduction Major Works His Contributions
Born in Burlington, New Jersey in 1789 and grew up in Cooperstown, New York, a frontier settlement Entered Yale University at age 13 but was expelled after two years Sent to sea as a merchant marine Served three years in the US Navy as a midshipman
Married Susan DeLancey(from a loyalist family) in 1811 and settled down as a gentleman farmer In 1820 began writing by accident The couple moved abroad, but he energetically defended American democracy while overseas Died at Otsego Hall in 1851.
Early Works Precaution 《戒备》 (1820 ) his first novel The Spy « 间谍 » ( 1821 ) His second book, a novel about the American Revolution, proved to be an immense success.
The sea adventure tale (海上传奇小说 ) The frontier saga (边疆传奇小说) The Pilot (1824) The Leatherstocking Tales ( ) Two major subjects of his later works
Cooper’s most famous Works The Leatherstocking Tales, 《 皮袜子故事集》 (1) The Deerslayer 《杀鹿者》 ( 1841 ) (2) The Last of the Mohicans ( 1826 ) 《最后的莫西干人》 (3) The Pathfinder 《探路人》 ( 1840 ) (4) The Pioneers 《拓荒者》 ( 1823 ) (5) The Prairie 《大草原》 ( 1827 ) Including five novels:
The Leatherstocking Tales “Leatherstocking” is the nickname for Natty Bumppo who is in the habit of wearing long deerskin leggings. He is also nicknamed Deerslayer, Hawkeye, Long Riffle, Pathfinder, and Trapper. As a mythic hero, he is the idealized image of American manhood, and Cooper’s youthful memory of a real character. He is both the friend and foe of American Indians.
Writing Style 1)He is good at making plots. 2)All his novels are full of myths. 3)He had never been to the frontier and among the Indians and yet could write five huge epic books about them is an eloquent proof of the richness of his imagination. 4)He created the first Indians to appear in American fiction and probably the first group of noble savages. In his novel, he reveals deep tension between the lone individual and society, nature and culture, spirituality and organized religion. 5)He hit upon the native subject of frontier and wilderness, and helped to introduce the “Western” tradition into American literature.
Literary Achievements In his thirty-two years ( ) of authorship, Cooper produced twenty-nine other long works of fiction and fifteen books enough to fill forty-eight volumes in the new definitive edition of his Works. Among his achievements are:
Literary Achievements 1. The first successful American historical romance in the vein of Sir Walter Scott (The Spy, 1821). 2. The first sea novel (The Pilot, 1824). 3. The first attempt at a fully researched historical novel (Lionel Lincoln, 1825).
Literary Achievements 4. The first full-scale History of the Navy of the United States of America (1839). 5. The first American international novel of manners (Homeward Bound and Home as Found, 1838). 6. The first trilogy in American fiction (Satanstoe, 1845; The Chainbearer, 1845; and The Redskins, 1846). 7. The first and only five-volume epic romance to carry its mythic hero - Natty Bumppo - from youth to old age.