Scholarship in Education Educational Research, and More Becoming an Effective Medical Educator Program Julie Byerley, MD, MPH The Teaching Center UNC Department of Pediatrics The Teaching Center The Teaching Center
Educational Research Plan a program and evaluate it regarding outcomes Program planning steps (remember curriculum development) »Define the educational problem (needs assessment) »Specify the goals and outcomes »Determine strategies to measure the outcomes (evaluate) Tool development Statistical support »Plan the content The Teaching Center
Outcomes in Educational Research Health outcomes »Does teaching physicians smoking session counseling techniques lead to fewer heart attacks? fewer smokers? Health providers behavior, performance, or practice »Does teaching physicians smoking session counseling techniques lead to more counseling? Learning »Does teaching physicians smoking session counseling techniques lead to physicians knowing more about techniques? Participant satisfaction Participation The Teaching Center
Challenges in Educational Research Experimental designs Attribution of effect Rigor versus do-ability Time The Teaching Center
Scholarship in Education is more than just Research The Teaching Center
Definitions of Scholarship Scholarship is demonstrated when knowledge is advanced or transformed by application of one’s intellect in an informed, disciplined, and creative manner. There must be a product that others can build upon. The product must be peer reviewed and made public. The Teaching Center
Opportunities for dissemination of ideas National meetings Journals »Academic Medicine »Teaching and Learning in Medicine »Medical Education »Medical Teacher »NEJM, JAMA »Pediatrics, Archives »Ambulatory Pediatrics »Field specific journals The Teaching Center
Online Resources MedEdPortal »Demo COMSEP (Counsel on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics) APPD (Association of Pediatric Program Directors) Others »Demo The Teaching Center
Organizations that Support Medical Education Scholarship in Pediatrics AAMC »American Association of Medical Colleges ACGME »Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education COMSEP APPD Subspecialty Groups Others The Teaching Center
Exercise Articles to review The Teaching Center
Individual Work Project Tool Development Reflective Statement Work The Teaching Center