Starter WHY? No one will see me..
We are going to AMERICA! Objectives: To understand and explain the reason for migration to the USA. To create a song on migration. To assess your song using exam criteria. The American Dream
This picture shows the poverty present in Mexico. Poverty in Mexico can be seen right next to the border US Mexico
Lack of servicesHigher Employment War Fertile land More wealth Lack of safety / high crime rates Crop failure Better services Drought / Flooding Poverty Better climate Safer / Less crime What are the push and pull reasons that caused Enrique to do this?
Lack of servicesHigher Employment War Fertile land More wealth Lack of safety / high crime rates Crop failure Better services Drought / Flooding Poverty Better climate Safer / Less crime What are the push and pull reasons that caused Enrique to do this?
America Wzwak4http:// Wzwak4 Task Highlight the push factors Highlight the pull factors Highlight problems faced in America
AMERICA ANITA Puerto Rico, My heart’s devotion-- Let it sink back in the ocean. Always the hurricanes blowing, Always the population growing, And the money owing. And the sunlight streaming, And the natives steaming. I like the island Manhattan, Smoke on your pipe and put that in. GIRLS (chorus) I like to be in America, Okay by me in America, Everything free in America - BERNARDO For a small fee in America. ANITA Buying on credit is so nice. BERNARDO One look at us and they charge twice. ROSALIA I’ll have my own washing machine. JUANO What will you have, though, to keep clean? ANITA Skyscrapers bloom in America. ANOTHER GIRL Cadillacs zoom in America. ANOTHER GIRL Industry boom in America. BOYS Twelve in a room in America. ANITA Lots of new housing with more space. BERNARDO Lots of doors slamming in our face. ANITA I’ll get a terrace apartment. BERNARDO Better get rid of your accent. ANITA AND THREE GIRLS Life can be bright in America. BERNARDO If you can fight in America. ALL GIRLS Life is all right in America. ALL BOYS If you’re all white in America. (an interlude of WHISTLING and DANCING) ANITA AND CONSUELO Here you are free and you have pride. BERNARDO Long as you stay on your own side. ANITA Free to be anything you choose. ALL BOYS Free to wait tables and shine shoes. BERNARDO Everywhere grime in America, Organized crime in America, Terrible time in America. ANITA You forget I’m in America. (An interlude of MORE DANCING) BERNARDO I think I go back to San Juan ANITA I know a boat you can get on. BERNARDO Everyone there will give big cheer. ANITA Everyone there will have moved here.
AMERICA ANITA Puerto Rico, My heart’s devotion-- Let it sink back in the ocean. Always the hurricanes blowing, Always the population growing, And the money owing. And the sunlight streaming, And the natives steaming. I like the island Manhattan, Smoke on your pipe and put that in. GIRLS (chorus) I like to be in America, Okay by me in America, Everything free in America - BERNARDO For a small fee in America. ANITA Buying on credit is so nice. BERNARDO One look at us and they charge twice. ROSALIA I’ll have my own washing machine. JUANO What will you have, though, to keep clean? ANITA Skyscrapers bloom in America. ANOTHER GIRL Cadillacs zoom in America. ANOTHER GIRL Industry boom in America. BOYS Twelve in a room in America. ANITA Lots of new housing with more space. BERNARDO Lots of doors slamming in our face. ANITA I’ll get a terrace apartment. BERNARDO Better get rid of your accent. ANITA AND THREE GIRLS Life can be bright in America. BERNARDO If you can fight in America. ALL GIRLS Life is all right in America. ALL BOYS If you’re all white in America. (an interlude of WHISTLING and DANCING) ANITA AND CONSUELO Here you are free and you have pride. BERNARDO Long as you stay on your own side. ANITA Free to be anything you choose. ALL BOYS Free to wait tables and shine shoes. BERNARDO Everywhere grime in America, Organized crime in America, Terrible time in America. ANITA You forget I’m in America. (An interlude of MORE DANCING) BERNARDO I think I go back to San Juan ANITA I know a boat you can get on. BERNARDO Everyone there will give big cheer. ANITA Everyone there will have moved here.
Views What are the girls views of America? What are the boys views of America? WHY? Positive Negative
Getting highly qualified labour contributing to the economy right away. Promotes economic growth in strategic sectors such as science and technology. Not having to pay education and health costs. 30% of Mexicans with a PhD are in the US. Highly flexible workforce free from legislation (can be hired and fired) Impact upon the USA
Illegal immigration: The US Border Patrol polices the border, apprehends and deports those attempting to enter country illegally 12,000 officers patrol the border, concentrating on specific points. Over the last decade, US enforcement budget has increased dramatically (with much of increase coming before 9/11) Government agents monitor US employers suspected of hiring illegal aliens, issue fines to those they detect and convict Employer monitoring is lax, with less than 300 agents to inspect all US worksites; few fines levied, most are small In practice, US employers are more or less free to hire any worker with a social security card and a green card without risk of prosecution (even if documents are fake) Impact upon the USA
Education and health costs not paid back. Losing potential leaders and talent. Long term impact on economic growth. Main benefit is money sent home ( see next slide) Many brain drain migrants have skills which they can’t use at home. The resources and technology are not available. The specific labour market in Mexico is not big enough. Some eventually come back with skills and connections Only the young and old left behind. Impact upon Mexico
In 2004, the 10.5 million Mexican immigrants in US were 30% of US foreign-born population Of Mexican immigrants in the US, 5.9 million are illegal Mexico accounts for 57% of all US illegal immigrants Facts & Figures