Justice John Hathorne and The Salem Witch Trials By Jennifer Rheaume, Victoria Barret, Cory Bevilacqua, and Amanda Barroso
John Hathorne’s Life John Hathorne was born on August 5 th, 1641 in Salem, Massachusetts to William Hathorne and Anne Smith. He was the first generation of his family to be born in America John Hathorne was born on August 5 th, 1641 in Salem, Massachusetts to William Hathorne and Anne Smith. He was the first generation of his family to be born in America His father, Major William, landed in the colonies with the first settlers in 1630 and quickly became one of the community’s leaders. He was a wealthy farmer and was a devote Puritan who took part in the persecution of the Quakers. His father, Major William, landed in the colonies with the first settlers in 1630 and quickly became one of the community’s leaders. He was a wealthy farmer and was a devote Puritan who took part in the persecution of the Quakers. John grew up to be very religious. John grew up to be very religious.
Justice John Hathorne’s Career John originally became a Salem merchant, and then became a politician. John originally became a Salem merchant, and then became a politician. His political skills won him a position as Justice of the Peace and county judge. His political skills won him a position as Justice of the Peace and county judge. He played a huge part in the Salem Witch Trials (which is gone over thoroughly in a later section), and became referred to as “The Witch Hangin’ Judge.” He played a huge part in the Salem Witch Trials (which is gone over thoroughly in a later section), and became referred to as “The Witch Hangin’ Judge.”
An actor dressed up as Justice John Hathorne An actor dressed up as Justice John Hathorne
The Salem Witch Trials of 1692 January 20 th, Elizabeth Parris (9 years old) and Abigail Williams (11) exhibit strange behavior including screaming, seizures, “trances,” and “spells.” Other girls around Salem soon exhibit similar behavior. January 20 th, Elizabeth Parris (9 years old) and Abigail Williams (11) exhibit strange behavior including screaming, seizures, “trances,” and “spells.” Other girls around Salem soon exhibit similar behavior.
February – No cause is found for the behavior, and people come to the conclusion that the girl’s are under Satan’s influence. Pressured, the girls name 3 women as witches. Arrest warrants are immediately issued for Tituba (Parris’ Carib Indian Slave), and Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne (two women who were disliked around town). February – No cause is found for the behavior, and people come to the conclusion that the girl’s are under Satan’s influence. Pressured, the girls name 3 women as witches. Arrest warrants are immediately issued for Tituba (Parris’ Carib Indian Slave), and Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne (two women who were disliked around town).
March – Magistrates John Hathorne and Jonathon Corwin examine the 3 arrested women. Tituba confesses to seeing the devil in the form of a great dog. This makes people believe there really is a witch problem, and many more witch accusations occur. March – Magistrates John Hathorne and Jonathon Corwin examine the 3 arrested women. Tituba confesses to seeing the devil in the form of a great dog. This makes people believe there really is a witch problem, and many more witch accusations occur.
April – Sarah Cloyce (Rebecca Nurse’s sister) and Elizabeth Proctor are examined by Hathorne, Corwin, Deputy Governor Thomas Danforth, and Captain Samuel Sewall. By the end of the examination, John Proctor (Elizabeth’s husband) is accused of being a witch for protecting Elizabeth, and is imprisoned. April – Sarah Cloyce (Rebecca Nurse’s sister) and Elizabeth Proctor are examined by Hathorne, Corwin, Deputy Governor Thomas Danforth, and Captain Samuel Sewall. By the end of the examination, John Proctor (Elizabeth’s husband) is accused of being a witch for protecting Elizabeth, and is imprisoned. 13 more people (including Bridget Bishop) are examined, and only one person, Abbigail Hobbs confesses. Nehemiah Abbott is the only person cleared of all charges. 13 more people (including Bridget Bishop) are examined, and only one person, Abbigail Hobbs confesses. Nehemiah Abbott is the only person cleared of all charges.
May – 10 more people (including George Burroughs) are examined by Hathorne and others. One of the afflicted girls, Sarah Churchill, is examined to see if she is still being affected by witches and whether her claims are real or not. May – 10 more people (including George Burroughs) are examined by Hathorne and others. One of the afflicted girls, Sarah Churchill, is examined to see if she is still being affected by witches and whether her claims are real or not. George Jacobs Sr. and his granddaughter, Margaret, are examined. Margaret “confesses” that her grandfather and George Burroughs were both witches. She did this to save her own life. George Jacobs Sr. and his granddaughter, Margaret, are examined. Margaret “confesses” that her grandfather and George Burroughs were both witches. She did this to save her own life. Sarah Osborne, one of the 3 women originally accused, dies in prison. Sarah Osborne, one of the 3 women originally accused, dies in prison. Increase Mather returns from England with a new charter and a new governor, Sir William Phips. Phips sets up the Court of Oyer and Terminer that had 7 judges (including Hathorne) and was to judge only the witch trials. The trials were as unfair as ever and were based upon intangible and spectral evidence, like supernatural attributes and the reactions of afflicted girls. Increase Mather returns from England with a new charter and a new governor, Sir William Phips. Phips sets up the Court of Oyer and Terminer that had 7 judges (including Hathorne) and was to judge only the witch trials. The trials were as unfair as ever and were based upon intangible and spectral evidence, like supernatural attributes and the reactions of afflicted girls.
June – In the first session of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, Bridget Bishop is condemned to death for being guilty of “being a witch.” June – In the first session of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, Bridget Bishop is condemned to death for being guilty of “being a witch.” One of the court’s 7 seven judges, Nathaniel Saltons, resigned because he was unhappy with the proceedings. One of the court’s 7 seven judges, Nathaniel Saltons, resigned because he was unhappy with the proceedings. In the 1 st official Salem witch execution, Bridget Bishop is hanged. In the 1 st official Salem witch execution, Bridget Bishop is hanged. More people are accused of being witches, but some people start petitions to save innocent people who are being accused. More people are accused of being witches, but some people start petitions to save innocent people who are being accused. 6 more people are condemned. 6 more people are condemned.
July – Joseph Ballard enlists the aid of the accusing girls and begins the Andover witch hunt. July – Joseph Ballard enlists the aid of the accusing girls and begins the Andover witch hunt. 5 more people are executed. 5 more people are executed.
August - 6 more people are condemned. Two weeks later they are hanged on Gallows Hill. August - 6 more people are condemned. Two weeks later they are hanged on Gallows Hill.
September – 15 more people are condemned. Giles Corey refuses a trial and is pressed to death as punishment. September – 15 more people are condemned. Giles Corey refuses a trial and is pressed to death as punishment. Dorcas Hoar “confesses” and gets her execution delayed. 8 more people are hanged.
October – Thomas Brattle wrote a letter criticizing the witchcraft trials. This letter has a great impact on Governor Phips, and he orders a stop to intangible and spectral evidence being used in the court. He later completely dissolves the Court of Oyer and Terminer. October – Thomas Brattle wrote a letter criticizing the witchcraft trials. This letter has a great impact on Governor Phips, and he orders a stop to intangible and spectral evidence being used in the court. He later completely dissolves the Court of Oyer and Terminer.
November – The General Court of the colony created the Superior Court to try the remaining witch cases. The final ruling took place on May, 1693, and no one was convicted. November – The General Court of the colony created the Superior Court to try the remaining witch cases. The final ruling took place on May, 1693, and no one was convicted.
Final Effects of the Salem Witch Trials By the end of the trials, 19 people had been hung on Gallows Hill (most of them women, and 5 had died in prison, adding up to a total of 24 people dead. All of this occurred because some little girls wanted attention, and people were paranoid and religious enough to not only believe it but continue it. At later dates, many of the judges admitted that what they had done was wrong, but they said they had not known it at the time. By the end of the trials, 19 people had been hung on Gallows Hill (most of them women, and 5 had died in prison, adding up to a total of 24 people dead. All of this occurred because some little girls wanted attention, and people were paranoid and religious enough to not only believe it but continue it. At later dates, many of the judges admitted that what they had done was wrong, but they said they had not known it at the time. 552 documents regarding the court testimonies are stored 552 documents regarding the court testimonies are stored in the Peabody Essex Museum Justice John Corwin’s house (the Witch House, the site of the 1st witch trials) still stands today. of the 1st witch trials) still stands today.
Justice John Hathorne’s Death Justice John Hathorne died on May 10 th, He was 76 years old. Justice John Hathorne died on May 10 th, He was 76 years old. His body was buried in the Charter Street Old Burying Ground (often called the Salem Burying Ground). It is the 2 nd oldest cemetery in America, and is walking distance from the Seven Gables Historic Site. His tombstone is encased in granite and reads “Here lyes inter’d ye body of Colo. John Hathorne Esq. Aged 76 years who died May 10 th 1717.” At the top is a winged death’s head (a symbol of mortality), and rosettes (a symbol of the brevity of earthly existence) adorn the sides and bottom.
Pictures of Hathorne’s Tomb
Links to Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorne, Justice John Hathorne’s grandson, added a ‘w’ to his last name to distance himself from his ancestors (specifically John Hathorne). He did this because he was ashame of John’s role in the horrible Salem Witch Trials. Supposedly, one of the victims of the witch trials who was condemned to die placed a curse on John Hathorne and his descendants. This curse plays a part in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s book The House of the Seven Gables, and is even mentioned in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter.