Point & Edit CMS An Introduction to Point & Edit
Logging In Log in Page: Recommended Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, IE 8 & 9
First Impressions Edit Site – Brings you directly to the page editor Site Pages – Brings you to a directory of your pages Manage Images – Brings you to the Image File Manager Manage Documents – Brings you to the Document File Manager Recent Drafts – Show’s you a list of recently edited pages that you have saved as drafts but not published Recently Published pages – Show’s you a list of the most recent pages you have made changes to that were published to your website (viewable online)
Site Editor The Site editor is where you make changes to existing pages. You will have area’s tagged with an edit button to indicate what area’s of your site can be edited
Site Pages Site pages gives you a list of all page’s on your website. You can create, quickly edit and delete pages from this location
Managing Images The Image Manager is a central location to Add, Remove and Manage your site’s images. You can also add photo’s and edit existing ones with image filters and resize options.
Managing Documents The Image Manager is a central location to Add, Remove and Manage your site’s documents.
The Sidebar On every page in Point & Edit, you have a button on the left that looks much like a scroll bar, when clicked it opens the side bar. This is a miniature version of the Site Pages area, and allows for even faster movement within the CMS
The Top Menu The top menu has quick navigation menu when you mouse over the Site Actions Tab. This will allow you to quickly jump from one area of the CMS to another with out having to go back to it’s main page. Alternatively clicking on your site name to the left of Site actions will bring you to the first screen which will show you Recently Published Pages, Quick Links and Recent Drafts