February is national heart month. Jump rope for heart is an educational fund- raising event that raises money for the American Heart Association. Donations aid medical research and programs that help prevent heart disease and stroke. Jump rope for heart teaches students the benefits of physical activity and how to keep the heart healthy. During the week of Feb. 8 th, the Lowell students in grades 3-5 performed many jump rope skills and challenges in P.E. class. The students were jumping in honor of people who have heart conditions. Many of the students fundraised money for the American Heart Association. Also, the K-2 students played various heart games. In addition, on Feb. 12, the Lowell P.T.O. had a heart spirit day fundraiser. Students created special hearts that were displayed in the café. The combined fundraisers totaled $ Ms. Donahue would like to thank all the people who made contributions to this special event. The week was a huge success!
Hearts made by Lowell Students
“I gave my heart to Bobby Joe, I gave my heart to Sue. I gave my heart to Mr. Brown, I gave my heart to you.”
Your heart is an important muscle. It is found in your chest and is the size of our fist. Your heart grows bigger as you grow bigger. The heart has a very important responsibility. It’s job is to pump blood to your muscles and your body. You can listen to your heart beat by taking your pulse at your wrist or neck. You can also feel it by placing your hand over your chest, just above where it is found. Your heart beats slowly when you sit, sleep and rest. Your heart beats faster when you are active, move and play.
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