Space Research Institute Group: Applications of GNSS Ionosphere-Atmosphere-Hydrosphere- Pedosphere-Lithosphere G. Stangl (1), C. Aichhorn, W. Hausleitner, S. Krauss, J. Weingrill (2) (1) Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying (2) Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences
IonosphereAtmosphereHydrospherePedosphereLithosphere Activities Ionospheric Modelling TEC Maps in earthquake zones 4D- Tomography LEO Accelerometry Solar Activity Response to Earth Atmosphere Zenith delays Altimeter Calibration Transponder Data Analysis Height Transfer Slow landslides Permafrost changes Alluvial movements Earth-fixed reference frames Crustal movements Plate boundaries GF Recovery from SLR Tailored SW Strategies for large NEQ Missions GPS/GLONASS Galileo Regional TEC maps DEMETER CHAMP GRACE-A/B GOCE GPS, ECMWF, radiosondes Jason-1 Jason-2 Envisat Cryosat-2 GMES Topoeurope GGOS GMES CHAMP, GRACE-A/B GOCE Project OEGNOS (ASAP Proposal) PLEGG DEMETER Atmosph. Evolution (FWF Proposal) CALYPSO (FP7 Proposal) Hazard zones in Central Europe (FP7 SSMP, CERGOP) IGS, EUREF, Austria reference frames CERGOP, WEGENER (Eastern Med) Hafelekar GOCOnAUT (ASAP Prop.) Staff Aichhorn (15%) Krauss (30%) Stangl (5%) Weingrill (30%) Hausleitner (20%) Krauss (30%) Hausleitner (25%) Weingrill (25%) Aichhorn (10%) Krauss (10%) Stangl (10%) Aichhorn (75%) Krauss (30%) Stangl (85%) Hausleitner (25%) Höck (30%) Co- operations TU Wien TeleConsult Austria, UniZentrum Rottenm. ROB (Bruxelles) SRI/EEP Polar Geophys. Inst. (RU) IWF/Phys (Lammer) EUREF, EUMETNET TU Chania (GR) 11 Partners (F,D,USA,) CEI countries, research institutions BEV European countries (offices, universities, etc) IAG SRI/Computer Centre SRI/Astrobiology TU Graz Members and Cooperations
3SRI orientation workshop Graz Mariatrost Results Network Analysis Regional GNSS Data Centre for Europe (1 of 2): 350 Permanent stations + campaign data, comparable to all major DCs worldwide (BKG, CDDIS, GSI, JPL, KASI, SIO, UNAVCO, all stations) Transponder: campaigns on Gavdos, ENVISAT Altimeter Calibration RA-2 Bias: 40 ± 2.2 cm, Height Transfer Accuracy: 2.64 cm Analysis Centre: Weekly analysis of 4 networks (50-90 stations each), rank 4 of 16 AC in Europe, GNSS antenna + radom field tests (BEV Vienna), Tunnel survey networks (Innsbruck, Koralpe, Semmering) Products: Coordinates, covariance matrices, troposphere zenith delays, troposphere gradients, basis for realization of the Austrian and European reference frame, weather forecasting, time series, station velocities
4SRI orientation workshop Graz Mariatrost Results Geokinematics Detection and Elimination of Offsets and Outliers from weekly Time Series Separate influences (equipment, atmosphere, hydrosphere, tectonics) Generate velocity field Look for geokinematic patterns (boundary zones, escapements etc) → geokinematical model Compare to geological and and tectonic information → tectonic model Earthquake at strike-slip fault – permanent offset
5 SRI orientation workshop Graz Mariatrost Results Modeling Thermospheric Neutral Density during Solar Event: Density ratio of 3-4 of MSIS wrt. CHAMP Temperature increase up to 4000 K with new model Regional TEC Maps Near Real Time monitoring prototype Detection of 3-10 cm outliers Troposphere zenith delays and precipitation phase lag Horizontal seasonal variations (atmosphere?) LEO SLR Data Processing GPS orbit validation: <2 cm Gravity field assessment methods
SWOT Analysis StrengthsWeaknesses GNSS analysis since 1980, independent of occasional diploma and PhD theses Leading contributions to international analysis and reference standards Global services already installed and acknowledged Multidisciplinary approach Niche products (Transponder, kHz Laser) Diminishing manpower since 2006, impact in international projects becomes smaller Few modelling experience because of software and manpower missing, no students to assist research by diploma theses and PhDs Old technology of sensors High risk of failure with new models and products OpportunitiesThreats Experience needed globally for precise positioning (references, standards, models) Permanent and quick analysis improves reliability of products and helps to find new features ->real time earth monitoring Regional networking within geosciences needed, combination of geosciences requested To meet the future challenge, the ideal would be at least 1 person for orbit models, 2 persons for monitoring service, 1 person for earth models, 1 person for ionosphere models (and all are flexible) Experience and competition grow by groups investing more into research -> “poor little Austria” will be not needed anymore, experience gets lost without permanent service and “everyday analysis” Future geodesy will end up as numerical mathematics for geosciences ->geometric part (references) will be reduced
Future Plans to GOCE Prel. Orbit Val. GOCE Grav. Field Validation Gravity Field from SLR Global Calibration Network Transponder/Altimeter LEO Tailored Models Regional modeling troposphere + ionosphere for positioning and natural disaster research Combination studies geosciences (geodesy, geology, hydrology, meteorology, seismology) for earth surface movements (landslides, earthquakes, elastic deformation) Natural disaster research (hazard zones) 4D-Ionosphere maps
Future Plans to 2013 cont‘d High Rate (1Hz) and Near Real Time analysis 5 cm level: Station monitoring, weather forecasting, natural disaster research Derivation of physical models at the 1 mm level (antennas, atmosphere, soil, crustal movements) Geodynamic Modeling (=crustal movements + geological models) Regional improvement of global reference systems (GLONASS, velocity field, seasonal variations) Remain at the top of the international geodata infrastructure (GMES, GGOS): requires modernization of web services Continuation of cooperation and setting of standards (IGS, EPN, CERGOP, BEV )
Outlook Transponder/Altimeter data assimilation, sea level changes, ocean currents LEO model comparison, CME Data Base, model improvements for disturbed conditions Combination studies geosciences (geodesy, geology, hydrology, meteorology, seismology) for earth surface movements (landslides, earthquakes, elastic deformation, permafrost, sediments) Natural disaster research (hazard zones) Near Real Time analysis 1cm level: Station monitoring, weather forecasting, natural disaster research Geodynamic Modeling (strain fields, understanding earthquakes) 4D-Ionosphere maps Global Earth Monitoring and References (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, LEO, MEO)