Allusions to consider… Greek Mythology Allusions to consider…
Greek and Roman Zeus and Hera Poseidon Aphrodite Athena Hades Hermes Ares Apollo Jupiter (Jove) and Juno Neptune Venus Minerva Pluto Mercury Mars
Achilles His heel
Adonis Tree Trunk Aphrodite Vegetation
Cassandra Gift Apollo Epic tradition and tragedy
Pandora Eve Gift Fall of man
Prometheus and Epimetheus Life to man Stole fire Gifts to man Pandora Punishment
Atlas Brother of Prometheus Betrayed Titans Punishment
Hercules Evil deeds The Twelve Labors
Orpheus and Eurydice Musician and poet Lost his wife
Dionysus/Bacchus God of wine Festival in the Spring
Daedalus and Icarus Labyrinth Wings to escape
Allusions from the Bible hang on…
Creation Light Seven days Rib Own image
The Fall Garden of good and evil / Tree of knowledge The serpent The apple Clothing
The Flood Noah Ark 40 days
Family Relationships Cain and Abel Abraham and Isaac Jacob and Esau Jacob and sons
The Ten Commandments Pharaoh – Egypt Ramses and Moses Plagues Burning bush Red Sea Wandering / Manna
David and Goliath Warfare Kingship Slingshot
Job Suffering
The Nativity The star Wise men Mary and Joseph
The Life of Christ Temptation of Christ Tax collectors Baptism Fishermen Miracles Lazarus Blind Walking on water Water to wine 5 loaves and 2 fish Perfume and oils
The Death of Christ Prayer The Last Supper Betrayal Pontius Pilate Palm leaves 3 crosses
Parables Mustard seed Prodigal son Good Samaritan Sheep and the flock The ten virgins The two coins