Moving CDBG Forward: Technical Assistance and Program Outreach National Community Development Association June 28, :00 a.m. Presenters: Stan Gimont, Director HUD Office of Block Grant Assistance Donald Chamberlain Jim Broughman 1
Purpose: To hear from grantees about their experience with OneCPD and the CDBG program, and to discuss ideas to address challenges through: Technical Assistance/Training Solutions vs. Changing CDBG Rules and Regulations 2 Introduction
Historical Context HUD’s Approach to CDBG TA Outreach Technical Assistance vs. Program Changes 9 Topic Areas 3 Approach to CDBG TA Outreach OneCPDEligible ActivitiesIncentive Fund Grantee Participation Economic Development Performance Sanctions SynchronizationPerformance Incentives Green Building Standards
HUD will seek input from grantees and stakeholders through: Webinars In-person sessions in five Field Offices (TBD) HUD Ideas In Action online forum Dedicated address: To be notified of the schedule of outreach events and ongoing updates, subscribe to the OneCPD Listserve: > “News” > “Get Updates“ > “Subscribe” > Check CDBG under “I’d like to receive updates about” 4 Outreach Plan
HUD has identified nine topic areas for feedback through the CDBG TA outreach effort. This process is meant to solicit input on OneCPD, to elicit ideas from grantees about technical assistance products HUD should provide, and to listen to thoughts on structural program issues that could be addressed to make the CDBG program more effective and accountable. Up to Four Topics Today All Nine During Future Outreach Activities 5 Open Discussion
Today’s Topics: OneCPD and Technical Assistance Economic Development Grantee Participation Green Building Standards 6 Open Discussion
OneCPD and Technical Assistance Comments on direct technical assistance Experience with the OneCPD Resource Exchange ( Ideas for improving OneCPD 7 Open Discussion
Economic Development What challenges have you encountered related to program rules and regulations for economic development? Have you sought technical assistance related to economic development activities? What has been your experience using the Section 108 program? 8 Open Discussion
Grantee Participation Given grant management responsibilities and current CDBG funding levels, what options are there to increase the ability of smaller communities to effect change? Is the concept of a “Regional Combination” appealing? What CDBG participation thresholds make sense today and in the future? 9 Open Discussion
Green Building Standards Does your program currently use green building or energy efficiency standards? How would these standards fit into your existing CDBG-funded construction/rehabilitation activities? What types of technical assistance could HUD offer to address green building and energy efficiency? 10 Open Discussion