COSC 4426 Topics in Computer Science II Discrete Optimization Good results with problems that are too big for people or computers to solve completely
Difficult problems hard to represent (what information, what data structures) no known algorithms no known efficient algorithms this course: discreet variable problems
Examples practical examples scheduling (transportation, timetables,…) puzzles crosswords, Sudoku, n Queens classic examples SAT: propositional satisfiability problem (independent parameters) CSP: constraint satisfaction problem (dependent parameters) TSP: travelling salesman problem (permutations)
SAT: propositional satisfiability problem P1P1 P2P2 P 1 ^P 2 FFF FTT TFF TTT n propositions, P 1, P 2, P 3, …, P n What combination of truth values makes a sentence true? Table has 2 n rows. n=50, 2 50 = 1,125,899,906,842,624 n=2; 2 2 = 4 rows
CSP: constraint satisfaction problem example – map colouring n countries – 4 possible colours -constraints: adjacent countries different colours -4 n combinations n=13; 4 13 = 67,108,864 combinations; 25 constraints
TSP: traveling salesman (sic) problem n cities: what is shortest path visiting all cities, C 1, C 2, C 3, …, C n once? (n-1)! routes from home city on complete graph n = 16; (n-1)! = 1,307,674,368,000 C1C1 n = 5; (n-1)! = 24
Silly Example – one variable mark in class based on hours attended number of hours, h, is between 0 and 36 find optimal attendance (best h) if 1.mark m ism = 3h mark m ism = 20h - h 2 3.mark m ism = (5h/9 – 10) 2 4.mark m ism = h 3 mod mark m ism = markarray[h]
m = 3h - 8
m = 3h – 8 m = 20h - h 2 m = (5h/9 – 10) 2 global optimum
m = h 3 mod 101 local optimum
m = h 3 mod 101 m = markarray[h]
Problem description function (optimization function, evaluation) – e.g., m = h 3 mod constraints (conditions) – e.g., 0 ≤ h ≤ 36 find global optimum of fitness function without violating constraints OR getting stuck at local optimum small space: complete search large space: ?????
Large problems more possible values more parameters, n = {n 1, n 2, n 3, …} more constraints more complex fitness functions - takes significant time to calculate m = f(n) too big for exhaustive search
Searching without searching everywhere How to search intelligently/efficiently using information in the problem: -hill climbing -simulated annealing -genetic algorithms -constraint satisfaction -A* - …
Focusing search assumption – some pattern to the distribution of the fitness function finding the height of land in a forest - can only see ‘local’ structure - easy to find a hilltop but are there other higher hills?
Fitness function distribution convex – easy – start anywhere, make local decisions
Fitness function distribution many local maxima make local decisions but don’t get trapped
Course outline textbook – Michalewicz and Fogel (reasonable price, valuable book) lectures, notes and ppt presentations evaluation assignments project tests final exam